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    Southern Summers (Ch.9)

                “Hey there beautiful,” Spencer mumbled something and rolled over, ignoring me. I chuckled and climbed on top of the bed, straddling Spencer’s side where she was curled up under the covers.  “Come on, wake up.” I laughed, shaking her.

                “No, go away.” She grouched, trying to pull the covers up over her head. I yanked them back down and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

                “Come on, I have a surprise for you,” She sighed and rolled over onto her back, staring up at me with a contemplative look on her face.

                “What time is it?”

                “Almost three,”

                “Is it a good surprise?”

                “Of course.”


                “Ashley,” Spencer whined, following behind me in her silk pajama shorts and cami. She looked hot in so little. Oh, who am I kidding? She looks hot in everything. “Where are we goin’?”

                “Just come on babe,” I laughed, turning around and waiting for her to catch up and linking our fingers together, making her smile. We finally got to the truck and she raised an eyebrow, but didn’t question me as she climbed in. She grabbed my hand again and I grinned over at her as I fixed the seat of the truck before starting it up and pulling forward. My grandfather had built up paths and sometimes roads just for the trucks all over the farm, so that it wouldn’t mess up anything when someone did need to drive. It was these paths I took, all the way to the far reaches of the Davies’s land. We parked the truck near the fence and I had to practically drag Spencer out of the truck and over the fence.

                “How much further?”

                “Just a few more feet,” I consoled, half dragging her along the almost overgrown path. I pushed some bushes out of the way and stepped aside, letting her walk through first. She gasped and I grinned as I followed behind her. There was a large, crystal clear pond with a pebble bottom and a small waterfall built of rocks emptying into it. The moonlight gave the pond an almost ethereal glow. “I remembered this time when I was little and my dad brought me here in the middle of the night and we swam and just talked all night. It was probably one of the best times I’ve ever had with him.”

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