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    Southern Summers (Chapter Eight)

                “Ash, are you up?” Spencer’s soft voice whispered, instantly making me wake but I kept my eyes closed as I fought a smile. I could feel her presence as she hovered over the bed uncertainly. “Ashley?” She kept her voice low as her hand came out to gently prod my shoulder. I took the opportunity and yanked her down on top of me before instantly flipping over so that I was on top of her. She laughed as I grinned triumphantly down at her, my arms on either side of her head. “No fair, I wasn’t ready.” She pouted adorably.

                “So? Whatcha gonna do about it?” I teased, sticking my tongue out at her. I was taken off guard however, when suddenly her arms were wrapped around my neck and I was pulled down closer to her.

                “Who said I wanted to do anythin’ about it?” She asked, before kissing me. I groaned my approval before making sure that my weight was resting comfortably on her as I fitted my body to hers. Her hands dove into my hair, taking my mind off of weight distribution and firmly on how fantastic a kisser Spencer was. I grinned into her lips before pulling away and rolling over onto my back beside her.

                “God you’re a really good kisser,” I muttered, making her chuckle as she came to snuggle into my side. I brought my arm around to wrap around her shoulders and she sighed happily as she settled her head on my shoulder. I wasn’t usually a cuddler but I didn’t mind it at all with Spencer. The feel of her body pressed against mine was always welcome. Her hand was on my stomach and it started to trace random patterns on the shirt covered skin; nearly driving me insane. I could feel her breath on her jaw and I was becoming hyper aware of how much she affected me.

                I felt her lips come in contact with the tender skin just under my jaw. She sucked it gently before shifting so that she was half hovering over me. Spencer as the aggressor was hot. Her lips trailed up my jaw line and to my ear where she sucked my earlobe into her mouth.  I swallowed heavily as she continued her work down to the sensitive skin of my neck. I had a particularly sensitive neck so she was driving me insane as she worked me with lips and tongue. I wrapped my hands in her hair and brought her lips back to mine, kissing first her bottom lip, then her top lip before pressing my lips more firmly against hers. I had imagined Spencer the kind that would want to take things slow and yet here we were, making out on my bed and that was definitely her hand on my stomach, moving in slow circles. She was building me up slowly but surely, and whether or not she was doing it on purpose I knew that this was going to need to stop soon.

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    1. yea… your summary pretty much describes what ran through my head when I saw this posted! so glad you’re back with this story, I’ve missed it! excellent update, and I’m hoping that you keep ’em coming!!

    2. OMG!! Can’t believe my own eyes!! Thanks so much for this update. I’ve been waiting for so so long. I’ve missed it. Please continue and pms.

    3. Ah, yes! I’m so excited you updated this story! Please continue on with this, it’s a wonderful story. It’s like the perfect romance :) Everything flows so nicely and fits together well… ugh! I love it, I don’t know how many times I can say it. you’re a fantastic writer, keep up the good work :) And please, for the love of all that’s holy, update ths story soon please.

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