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    Southern Summers (Chapter Five)

                I caught up with Spencer easily on the ride back but let her win the “race” because she seemed to be running away and I wanted to let her do whatever she wanted. I handed my grandma the dirty dishes from the bag as Spencer disappeared towards the creek. I decided to leave her alone this time and I needed to blow off some stress anyways. I ruffled around in my drawers until I found the makeup bag that held my pot and papers. I rolled a small blunt easily before stashing it away and heading outside. It wasn’t much but it was enough and I needed to find somewhere to smoke it in peace.

                Finally I settled on the old well. It sat by the corner fence in the back pasture. It was a good ways away from the house and no one would go looking for me there. The well had been empty for as long as I could remember but when I was little it had been a thing of fascination, the fuel for many childish fantasies and games. I was took the blunt out of my pocket when I was about a hundred yards away and lit up, inhaling deeply before letting my smoke out slowly. I sighed in content as I walked. I felt my eyebrows hit the roof when I saw Spencer sitting, leaning up against the well and staring at her hands. I tried to turn quietly, hiding the blunt but she saw me and called out.

                “Ash! Come sit with me?”

                “Uh well you –“

                “Come on!” She called, jumping up and starting towards me. I swallowed deeply and her eyes narrowed as she got close enough to me. “Are you blazin’ up at the well?” She asked, making me shake my head fervently. “Yes you are! Give it here!”

                “Give what?” I said, making her frown and hold out her hand. I groaned and brought the blunt out from behind my back. She took it and I nearly died of shock when she brought it to her lips. “Spencer!” I said, making her eyes shoot up to look at me. “Are we about to get high together?” She chuckled and nodded and surprised me once again by taking the hit expertly. “This isn’t your first time!” She chuckled again and passed the blunt back to me. So that’s what we did to relieve the tension of that day. We passed the small blunt back and forth, laughing at first but then finally mellowing out as we sat with our shoulders pressed together and our backs against the rocky wall of the well. 

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    1. omg how sad. and hurtful! poor spence man. at least she held her head high though. don’t let ’em see ya cry. freaking great update! god I love this story. PMS

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