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    Southern Summers (Chapter Seven)

                The next day was pure hell. All I wanted to do was hold Spencer but I was keeping my distance. I couldn’t deal with it. I was a little bit embarrassed that I had exposed myself like that but mostly I was frustrated. I didn’t understand why she couldn’t just be with me.

                After we had gotten back to the house we split up, I went to my room and she went with Aiden and my grandpa to look at her Jeep. I didn’t go to supper, I didn’t know if I could go through as if nothing had happened. It felt to me as if something had shifted in the world and that everything should be different but it was all the same and it was driving me insane. I came out of my room once, to get a snack but I waited until nearly two in the morning so that I wouldn’t run into anyone.

                I had spent all day in my room, begging off with a migraine and everyone left me alone. Every now and then someone would walk by my door and stop for a minute, as if about to come inside or knock but then they would keep walking. I was dying to know if it was Spencer but I was too much of a coward to see. Instead I just laid there in misery and got my grandmother to bring me meals to my room.

                Before I knew it Friday had rolled around and I decided that I would check out the party that Taylor had invited me too. I could just avoid Spencer and a drink sounded heavenly. I was planning on catching a ride with Aiden who Spencer had apparently invited along. He had come asking if I was going to go and I had managed to make him promise to keep his hands to himself.

                I wasn’t going to go out of my way to dress up or anything; the only person that I was interested in wasn’t interested in being with me. I ended up wearing a ripped up pair of jeans and a tight, red beater that had the name of some indie band printed across it. I brushed my hair out and left it down and flowing around my shoulders before walking down the stairs to meet Aiden. I stopped cold when I saw Spencer leaning against the truck with him, laughing over some stupid thing that he said. Aiden saw me and must’ve said something because Spencer’s head whipped around and when she saw me she seemed to melt a little. She looked gorgeous as usual; in a pair of tight faded jeans and a simple blue short sleeved button up blouse that brought her eyes out excellently.

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    1. I don’t even know where to start. You made my day. I mean today is the worst day of my life cuz I get my final exams resoults and I’m so scared that I’m shitting myself. But the fact that you posted this story made me so extremly happy that I’m not so stressed anymore. I love this story. I’ve waited so long for it and it was so worth it. Thanks. PMS!!!

    2. Stix04 asked us to applaud you and that’s what I’m doing right now. I really missed you and this story . Thanks for the great update

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