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    Spencer gets a pet bunny!

    Ring Ring

    Ashley picks up her cell phone and looks at the caller ID it read Spencer<3. She smiled then opened her phone and held it up to her ear.

    "Hey, what’s up!" Ashley said with a lot of enthusiasm.

    "Hey Ashley!" I was calling to see if you were doing anything later?

    "No, Why?" now walking over to turn on the T.V.

    "I wanted to see if you could take me to Pet Mania?"

    "Yeah,sure I could do that, when did you want me to pick you up?"

    "Is like now ok?"

    "Ok, sure I’ll be right over"


    "Anytime" Ashley replied and closed her cell phone.

    Ashley got up grabbed her keys, headed down stairs to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water, and headed out the door.

    She got into her Porsche convertable and started heading toward Spencers’. When she got yo Spencers driveway Spencer imediatly ran out of the house.

    "Hi Ashley!" Spencer said with alot of enthusiasm.

    "Someones excited about something!" Ashley said while grinning.

    "I’m excited because I’m going to get a pet bunny!"

    "A pet bunny?" Ashley asked, a little confused.


    "So your parents all of a sudden just let you have a pet bunny?"


    "Ok, well lets go get you a pet bunny."

    When they finally reached ther Pet Mania, Spencer was as excited as ever! They got out of ther car and walked in the store. There were a bunch of animals all around fishes, hamsters, dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, and of course bunnies. When Spencer finally saw the bunnies she ran to look at them like a little 5 year old.

    "Awwww….. there so cute! Spencer said sounding like she was talking to a baby.

    After a while Spencer finally dicided which one to get. When the guy came to take the bunny out of the cage she pointed to a very tiny brown bunny, it seemed to have been the smallest one.It couldn’t have been bigger than an apple. The man took him out and put him in to a tiny cage, which seemed to be pretty roomy for the bunny. The man handed the cage to Spencer and they both walked over to the cashier. The cashier rung up the price, but before Spencer had a chance to get out some money Ashley handed the cashier her credit card.

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    1. If your talking about the ending, Yeah at first I was thinking about Karl going throught town and wrecking everything but then I decided that it probuly would be too boring so I just ended it.

    2. If your talking about the ending, Yeah at first I was thinking about Karl going throught town and wrecking everything but then I decided that it probuly would be too boring so I just ended it.

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