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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 3)


    The next day, Spencer headed to school as normal. She felt so guilty about how she treated Ashley. King High was buzzing about last night’s concert. She walked down the hallways in a constant daydream. Replaying last night over and over. Remembering how her body felt. Remembering how Ashley felt after the rejection. “Sorry” couldn’t justify what Spencer had done to her. She wondered what other darkness lurked within her heart. She walked with her head down mindlessly counting her steps as her day dreams began to fade.

    “If you don’t look up, you’re gonna hurt somebody….”

    The voice took Spencer out of her dreams. It was Sean. “Oh hey…Sean. I don’t get to see you much.”

    “Looks like you don’t get to see much of anything staring at the ground like that. Whatever’s going on, it‘ll be alright“, Sean said. Spencer laughed knowing that was Sean’s answer to everything. Sean was always so easy to talk to so she decided to take a chance. “Hey, Sean you got a minute”

    “Well, you know the renaissance man has time to nurture many of his talents with counseling being one of the greatest…no seriously…what’s up?”, Sean wrapped his arm around the blonde as they walked and leaned in to listen to Spencer’s problem.

    Spencer continued, “Have you ever just lied to someone about how you feel because what you were feeling was freaking you out?”.

    Sean squinted his eye while rubbing his chin as if in deep thought, “I see…. This can only mean one thing my lady.”

    “What?”, Spencer asked.

    “Ahhh….You’ve had an encounter with Ashley Davies”

    What! How? Who? Huh? But? How? A million questions went through Spencer’s mind. “Sean, how could you know this was about Ashley?”

    "’Cause I am a man of insight. A man of pure intellect. A man of discernment. Girl, don’t you know”, Sean said popping his collar with a smile.

    Spencer laughed at Sean’s ranting. He was so cool and smart and truly everything that he said. “So she obviously has a reputation?”

    “Who doesn’t?”

    “So if everyone has one, what’s mine?”, the blonde asked.

    As Sean was about to give Spencer clear insight on her reputation, Ashley walked by, “Hey groupie” and kept walking. Spencer turned around with her mouth hanging open.

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    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAi love it. and the teachers name. god i would have died of embarassment if that was not really a PDA person. but that was great. postmoresoon :]

    2. LMFAO! Mrs. Dykes..LOL!!! Okay gotta stop laughing cause that’ll only make my cough worse but…LOL! Did I mention, WAHOOOO! I loved this update you’re so kicking ass on this fic its great! Please update soon, oh and btw I love your new motto! :)

    3. HAHAHAHAHAHAi love it. and the teachers name. god i would have died of embarassment if that was not really a PDA person. but that was great. postmoresoon :]

    4. LMFAO! Mrs. Dykes..LOL!!! Okay gotta stop laughing cause that’ll only make my cough worse but…LOL! Did I mention, WAHOOOO! I loved this update you’re so kicking ass on this fic its great! Please update soon, oh and btw I love your new motto! :)

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