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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 7)

    “Dad…I…I …have made such a mess. I hurt Ashley so badly. I was so afraid. I had never been with a girl before. But there was something about Ashley that just drew me, Dad. I don’t know if I can call myself gay. But I know that I wanted to be with Ashley. And now she hates me.” Spencer cried deeper onto her father’s shoulder. Arthur hugged her tighter to reassure her.

    “Spencer, I love you no matter who you are. You will always be my little girl.” Arthur smiled at her. “But you’ve got to face the truth. Even though there may be consequences for you. You’ve got to make this right.”


    “Are you going to tell mom?”, looking up with her fear set eyes.

    “No, not yet. I will wait for your decision. We have the grievance meeting early tomorrow at your school. You are strong Spencer. And you don’t have to define yourself yet. You’ve got a lot more time to do that. So don’t worry about the gay thing okay?”

    “Okay” Spencer adored her father. He always made so much sense and made her feel a million times better. Arthur kissed her forehead and headed towards the door. Before leaving he turned back to Spencer, “Do what’s right, Spencer. Think about how Ashley must feel after all of this. No matter how much you may fear what your mother will say. Do what’s right.”

    Spencer nodded as Arthur walked out. Do what’s right Do what’s right. Those words would play in her mind all night. Those words and Ashley over and over.


    Ashley jumped as a loud knock was at the door. She looked outside to see an officer waiting at the door. She was so thankful that her mom was not home. She stuck her head out of the opened door, “Yes”

    “Are you Ashley Davies?”

    “Yes, what’s going on?”

    “Is your mother or father available?”

    “No, no one is here.” Ashley didn’t mention that her father had died last year. She saw no reason to bring it up.

    “Do you attend King High school?”

    “Yes, please tell me what’s going on.” Ashley knew why he were there, but it didn’t hurt to make sure.

    “Ashley, my name is Officer Jones. I am the school’s full-time officer. Don’t worry this is not an arrest or anything. I am just here to inform you that another student is pressing charges against you for sexual assault.”


    1. …speechless here! Her heart!! oh jeez, that was…I’m just relieved Spencer actually came out and said Ashley didn’t force her! And that she loved her! *sigh* please update soon, this fic is…I just need more.

    2. …speechless here! Her heart!! oh jeez, that was…I’m just relieved Spencer actually came out and said Ashley didn’t force her! And that she loved her! *sigh* please update soon, this fic is…I just need more.

    3. What else needs to be fixed?! Spencer not only are you horrible but, you’re a dumb blond for saying that. How can Ashley forgive her? If she does, how can she forget? You gotta make them have mind blowing sex cause that’s the only thing that’ll make up for this. I’m shallow, I know.

    4. What else needs to be fixed?! Spencer not only are you horrible but, you’re a dumb blond for saying that. How can Ashley forgive her? If she does, how can she forget? You gotta make them have mind blowing sex cause that’s the only thing that’ll make up for this. I’m shallow, I know.

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