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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 7)


    Tears went down her eyes. She could not believe that after her talk with Spencer that she would keep this going.

    The officer handed her a notice. “The first step is a mediation type meeting. This is a notice that your presence is required at the grievance meeting being held at your school early tomorrow morning. All of the instructions are inside. Please make sure that you read them and follow them carefully.”

    “Okay”, Ashley said crying.

    “Listen, Ms. Davies. I know that hearing this may be difficult, but just remember that at this meeting you will also have an opportunity to tell your side of the story as well.”

    For a second, Ashley felt relief at the fact that she would be able to tell the truth about Spencer. The officer turned around walking back to his car shaking his head. Ashley stood at the door watching him leave still in disbelief. Wow! No phone call, but an officer.

    As many girls as she had been with, as many that have wanted to be with her, she wondered how could this be happening with the only one she actually cared for. For the first time, Ashley was afraid.


    The ride to school with her parents was in dead silence. Paula was dressed in her best motherly, conservative outfit and was riding with a smirk on her face. Spencer could tell her mother was contemplating what she would say to make sure that Ashley was punished.

    Spencer was glad that Ashley would not be at this meeting. It would be hard to watch her face and her mother’s face at the same time knowing what she had to do. The time to travel to the school seemed like seconds. Spencer was surprised that they were already there. Paula hopped out of the car eager to get to the front office. Spencer didn’t move. Memories with Ashley were suddenly plaguing her mind. She remembered the first thing Ashley said to her.

    “Oh yeah I saw you out in the audience… who can forget those beautiful blue eyes.”

    And the next…

    “So what… you don’t think that I’m hot”

    She remembered their first and second kiss…

    Before Spencer could say anymore, Ashley crushed her lips into her. The kiss was different than the first. Spencer let the brunette’s tongue explore her mouth. Spencer let the brunette’s hands naturally move around her waist and pull her closer. It all felt so different, but so good. As their kiss deepened, Spencer could tell that her body was way ahead of her mind


    1. …speechless here! Her heart!! oh jeez, that was…I’m just relieved Spencer actually came out and said Ashley didn’t force her! And that she loved her! *sigh* please update soon, this fic is…I just need more.

    2. …speechless here! Her heart!! oh jeez, that was…I’m just relieved Spencer actually came out and said Ashley didn’t force her! And that she loved her! *sigh* please update soon, this fic is…I just need more.

    3. What else needs to be fixed?! Spencer not only are you horrible but, you’re a dumb blond for saying that. How can Ashley forgive her? If she does, how can she forget? You gotta make them have mind blowing sex cause that’s the only thing that’ll make up for this. I’m shallow, I know.

    4. What else needs to be fixed?! Spencer not only are you horrible but, you’re a dumb blond for saying that. How can Ashley forgive her? If she does, how can she forget? You gotta make them have mind blowing sex cause that’s the only thing that’ll make up for this. I’m shallow, I know.

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