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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 7)

    And then the classroom….

    Ashley lifted her against the wall and dipped deeper into her with every thrust, still keeping her mouth busy with passionate kisses. Spencer’s legs dangling in the air. The blonde wrapped her legs around Ashley’s waist as the sensations heightened. She continued to buck and ride the brunette’s fingers. “Mmm…yeah Ashley…don’t stop….oooh….don’t ever stop”


    Paula walked back to the car staring at Spencer. “What’s wrong, honey?” Spencer slightly jumped as her mother startled her. “Get out of the car. We’ve got to go in there and face this. Girls like this can‘t just go around doing this to innocent girls. We have to stand up for ourselves.”

    Arthur was standing in the parking lot in front of the car. His heart was breaking as he watched Spencer just sitting there. Knowing that this was extremely difficult for his daughter, “Spencer, it’s time to do what’s right.” Spencer looked up from the car floor at her father.

    Paula nodded with Arthur unknowingly.

    Where had her courage gone so quickly? She was about to lose so much. Ashley, her mom, her dignity. All of it would be gone she thought. But then she heard something inside of her.

    “Spencer, then fix it. ….. Fix my fuckin’ broken heart then. Fix it!”

    It was her last memory with Ashley. She had to repair Ashley’s life. It was like her Dad had said earlier…‘even though there may be consequences‘. Spencer opened the car door and walked with her mother to the main office. She was ready.


    The main office was quiet. No sounds of students or staff within the walls. Just a couple of adults collecting their coffee and preparing. Principal Bangernaut immediately saw Spencer and her family and guided them back to a large conference room.

    “Mr. and Mrs. Carlin why don’t you go in and take a seat at the table. I need to explain a few of the procedures to Spencer in order for this to be handled properly”

    Spencer hadn’t spoken to her principal since she caught her and Ashley in the classroom.

    “Spencer…” Principal Bangernaut’s voice had remnants of concern. “I haven’t had the chance to speak with you since the incident, but I must say that I am very surprised at this accusation. From what I saw that day, it seemed that you and Ashley really cared for each other.”


    1. …speechless here! Her heart!! oh jeez, that was…I’m just relieved Spencer actually came out and said Ashley didn’t force her! And that she loved her! *sigh* please update soon, this fic is…I just need more.

    2. …speechless here! Her heart!! oh jeez, that was…I’m just relieved Spencer actually came out and said Ashley didn’t force her! And that she loved her! *sigh* please update soon, this fic is…I just need more.

    3. What else needs to be fixed?! Spencer not only are you horrible but, you’re a dumb blond for saying that. How can Ashley forgive her? If she does, how can she forget? You gotta make them have mind blowing sex cause that’s the only thing that’ll make up for this. I’m shallow, I know.

    4. What else needs to be fixed?! Spencer not only are you horrible but, you’re a dumb blond for saying that. How can Ashley forgive her? If she does, how can she forget? You gotta make them have mind blowing sex cause that’s the only thing that’ll make up for this. I’m shallow, I know.

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