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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 7)


    “We do. I mean. We did. I was just so…terrible… I couldn’t tell my mother that I liked her. She would never have accepted that. I didn’t expect her to take things this far.” Spencer desperately fought her tears.

    “Well, in this meeting, all parties get a chance to be fully heard. Take advantage of that opportunity Spencer.”

    All parties? Was Ashley and her parents here? 

    A sudden panic attack hit Spencer as she walked into the conference room. Suddenly, she was not so ready. Ashley was at the corner of the table sitting alone staring at the blonde. Spencer’s heart broke seeing that her parents were not there and that she had to face this completely alone. She wanted to run to her and make things better. Nevertheless, she sat down between her mother and father. Spencer was sure that her mother planned the seating that way.

    Principal Bangernaut asked the school secretary to start the recording and began the meeting, “Today is December 20th, 2006, Wednesday at 7:30 am.  My name is Principal Ava Bangernaut. I will be leading this meeting today. For this meeting, I will only be asking questions of the actual parties involved. Parents will not speak until their opinions are requested. Our goal here today is to mediate and to determine the actual events that have taken place such that we may decide if we move forward with the investigation or not.”

    Paula sighed as she was about to burst with wanting to speak.

    “As you two know this meeting is regarding an accusation of sexual assault. Traditionally, that is with a boy and a girl, we would meet with you separately. Not that we take this situation lightly. However, considering the circumstances and that we had discussed this together previously. The committee decided that this means was sufficient. Do we have any objections to this format?”

    Both girls shook their heads to say no. The principal continued, “Will the parties involved please state your name and age?” Ashley silently looked at Spencer. Spencer could tell that she was holding back the urge to cry at this whole event.

    “Spencer Carlin, I’m 16”.

    The principal looked over at Ashley.

    “Ashley Davies, I’m 17.”

    Paula let out another loud sigh. The principal interrupted, “Could we please refrain from gestures during this meeting as much as possible?” glaring at Paula. Paula sat back a little in her chair with her lips pursed.


    1. …speechless here! Her heart!! oh jeez, that was…I’m just relieved Spencer actually came out and said Ashley didn’t force her! And that she loved her! *sigh* please update soon, this fic is…I just need more.

    2. …speechless here! Her heart!! oh jeez, that was…I’m just relieved Spencer actually came out and said Ashley didn’t force her! And that she loved her! *sigh* please update soon, this fic is…I just need more.

    3. What else needs to be fixed?! Spencer not only are you horrible but, you’re a dumb blond for saying that. How can Ashley forgive her? If she does, how can she forget? You gotta make them have mind blowing sex cause that’s the only thing that’ll make up for this. I’m shallow, I know.

    4. What else needs to be fixed?! Spencer not only are you horrible but, you’re a dumb blond for saying that. How can Ashley forgive her? If she does, how can she forget? You gotta make them have mind blowing sex cause that’s the only thing that’ll make up for this. I’m shallow, I know.

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