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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 7)

    “Spencer, how did you and Ashley know each other?” Oh my god! This is going to be so hard to do. My heart is already beating outside of my chest.

    “We met at a concert a few days ago. Ashley was the drummer in the band.” Spencer glanced at Ashley who had her head down no longer staring at Spencer. This was the quietest Spencer had ever seen her. She seemed speechless.

    “Ashley, is this true?”

    “Yes” Ashley said with a raspy, barely audible voice.

    “Spencer, did you and Ashley have a relationship that was more than friends?”, the principal asked.

    Paula couldn’t hold back any longer and blurted out, “Of course she didn’t! She would never! My daughter is not gay!” slamming her hand on the table.

    “Mrs. Carlin! I will only warn you once more about your outbursts. After that, you will be asked to leave this meeting,” the principal said. “Spencer, please answer the question.”

    Ashley’s eyes were now locked onto Spencer’s. Even Ashley wanted to reach out to Spencer at that question. It was what she had hoped that they were working towards before this drama, a relationship. Ashley felt her heart racing waiting to hear Spencer’s reply.

    Spencer looked back at her mother. She felt her knees knocking with fear. She’d never really understood why her mother gave her this kind of reaction. To calm herself, she decided it was better to look at her father. Her father winked at her with a little smile.

    Taking a deep breath Spencer responded, “Yes, we were more than friends.”

    Ashley smiled at the courage it took for Spencer to say it. As angry as she was at Spencer, her heart was being tugged her way with bold statements like that.

    Paula stood up out of her chair, “Spencer, what the fuck!” Spencer had not heard her mother curse like that before. “What do you mean you were more than friends? I told you that you are not gay!”

    “Paula sit down, right now!”, Arthur interjected. Paula sat down remembering that she was being recorded.

    “Mrs. Carlin as I stated earlier this is your last warning. We must get through this meeting in a civilized manner, “ the principal sternly stated. And she continued, “In our report, we have the following statement from your mother, Spencer and it reads,


    1. …speechless here! Her heart!! oh jeez, that was…I’m just relieved Spencer actually came out and said Ashley didn’t force her! And that she loved her! *sigh* please update soon, this fic is…I just need more.

    2. …speechless here! Her heart!! oh jeez, that was…I’m just relieved Spencer actually came out and said Ashley didn’t force her! And that she loved her! *sigh* please update soon, this fic is…I just need more.

    3. What else needs to be fixed?! Spencer not only are you horrible but, you’re a dumb blond for saying that. How can Ashley forgive her? If she does, how can she forget? You gotta make them have mind blowing sex cause that’s the only thing that’ll make up for this. I’m shallow, I know.

    4. What else needs to be fixed?! Spencer not only are you horrible but, you’re a dumb blond for saying that. How can Ashley forgive her? If she does, how can she forget? You gotta make them have mind blowing sex cause that’s the only thing that’ll make up for this. I’m shallow, I know.

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