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    Stormy and Wet

    The thunderstorm started as I ran home from class.  We’d had a test in World History, so I left as soon as I’d handed in the blue book. I hoped I could make it to the apartment before the downpour hit.

    My hair was dripping and my jeans were soaked through as I bounded up the stairs to the third floor.  Fumbling with my keys, I finally got the front door opened.  My heavy backpack fell to the floor in the entrance hallway. I’d take it to my room after it had time to dry some.

    It looked as though I had the whole apartment to myself. Callie and Addison were going away with their boyfriends on a romantic weekend to the Cabo, and Spencer was probably heading home to see her family.  Most weekends she left Los Angeles on the train back to Ohio. I don’t think she’d gotten used to non-rural living yet. I’d tried to take her out to the clubs a few times, but she seemed unwilling. So I stopped asking.

    I stripped out of my wet clothes as I walked down the hallway, hanging things on the railing to dry. I’d probably have to put my jeans in the dryer before I could wear them again. I’d just taken my soaked socks off and stood outside the door to my bedroom in just my bra and panties when the bathroom door to my right opened and Spencer came out in only a towel.

    I jumped and turned around as Spencer did the same, her towel falling in the process. Her damp hair flicked me as she leaned over to grab the towel. "I didn’t know anyone was home," she breathed.

    I tried arranging my socks on the railing next to my shirt. "There was a test, so I left early," I explained, hoping that she would forget that she was naked and I was fumbling with my wet socks. I’d had my eye on her for a while, but decided not to do anything. I wasn’t sure if she’d had any exposure to "alternative lifestyles" living out in Nowhere, Ohio.

    "Well then, it’s just you and me this weekend, hmm?" she asked. She flung the towel over her left shoulder, flinging her long blonde hair out of the way first, as she made her way into the kitchen–still naked. My legs quivered and I wondered if I should say anything.  I’d just opened my mouth when she opened the fridge door and leaned in, her tight round ass obscuring my view of hot dogs, bread, and beer. "Do you have much homework, or can you catch a movie with me?" She grabbed the diet cola and took a sip right out of the bottle. My lips twisted into a smirk, and she said
    "Don’t tell Cal or Addie I did that!" We both laughed.

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