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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 1)

    “You’re what! You’re moving to L.A. Oh my god! That’s great! When? You’re what! You’re here already. Oh! We‘ve got to get together. This is going to be so much fun! I can‘t wait to see you again. Okay, get settled and call me back when you can talk more. This is the best!” Christine hung up the phone.


    Ashley stood in the kitchen with her mom watching her smile and dance around a bit. It was something that she didn’t see much from her.


    “What are you so happy about?” Ashley said sarcastically.


    “Well, my best friend from college is —-”


    Ashley frowned, “You ….went to college?”


    “Yes, young lady, I did! I wasn’t always a rock star groupie. If I hadn’t been around, your dad would be bankrupt by now with all the partying he did.”


    “So, mom, what’s with all the excitement?”


    Christine walked towards her daughter placing her hands at her sides, “My best friend, Paula, and her family are moving to L.A. from Ohio. I haven’t seen her in years! And I‘m so excited!”


    “Nor have you talked about her in years. I didn’t know you even had friends,” the younger brunette smirked.


    “Well Ashley, just like I’m never home. You aren’t either.”


    Ashley chuckled because it was true. She was a bit of a partier. She couldn’t help it.  The women loved her and she loved them.


    Christine continued, “So…we are even. Oh I almost forgot. Paula has a daughter and she’s your age. She’s really cute, smart, and she was a cheerleader too. I think that it would be a nice change of pace for you. I want you two to hang out. You know be friends and make her feel comfortable in her new city. And I mean just friends, Ashley,” giving her the lifted brow.


    Ashley dropped her head back at the thought and rolled her eyes, “Mom, I don’t want to baby sit some newbie from the country. I have things to do with my time.”


    “Yeah like — “, Christine stopped as a petite brunette with bright blue eyes suddenly appeared in the kitchen.


    “Oh… hi ….sorry to interrupt.” Both Christine and Ashley looked on as a scantily dressed girl walked around the corner from the hallway with signs of Ashley all over her. “Umm… Ashley…can you give me a ride home?”

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    1. I adore you and all your stories. It would be the best if christine and paula had a fling in the college days, but I guess that is a bit much. Could happen, right?

    2. LMAO. (the girl scout comment.) eh..i was/am a girl scout. HAHAHA i just pictured a small ashley trying to kiss my troupe. it made me laugh. *chuckles to self* ok. that was a fantastic start. and i officially love you, so write more.

    3. you’re just a big ball of inspiration aren’t you? lol. this is goiong to be a funny story. knowing paula didn’t know how honest christine was being when she said Ashley had a lot of girlfriends was killing me. *snickers* Spencer not so confused i see and girlscout pun. *tears up* priceless.

    4. THIS STORY IS A RIOT!! It gave me such a great feeling after studying for hours! I love every single one of your stories… they are all so different but they are all so good! I love your pace. Oh and I know you are going to make it interesting with the Christine-Paula storyline… GREAT!! Plus I know you have a soft spot in your heart for Christine, me too I think :) Please keep doing or eating whatever has been inspiring you to write and update posts so fast… I know we love it! Thanks, and much love to you…

    5. Damn, another fic already? You are on a roll, girl. I am already loving this fic, it seems that things are going to get very interesting. This dinner should be something. And once again, I love that Ash and her mom have a positive relationship. Update soon.

    6. I adore you and all your stories. It would be the best if christine and paula had a fling in the college days, but I guess that is a bit much. Could happen, right?

    7. LMAO. (the girl scout comment.) eh..i was/am a girl scout. HAHAHA i just pictured a small ashley trying to kiss my troupe. it made me laugh. *chuckles to self* ok. that was a fantastic start. and i officially love you, so write more.

    8. you’re just a big ball of inspiration aren’t you? lol. this is goiong to be a funny story. knowing paula didn’t know how honest christine was being when she said Ashley had a lot of girlfriends was killing me. *snickers* Spencer not so confused i see and girlscout pun. *tears up* priceless.

    9. THIS STORY IS A RIOT!! It gave me such a great feeling after studying for hours! I love every single one of your stories… they are all so different but they are all so good! I love your pace. Oh and I know you are going to make it interesting with the Christine-Paula storyline… GREAT!! Plus I know you have a soft spot in your heart for Christine, me too I think :) Please keep doing or eating whatever has been inspiring you to write and update posts so fast… I know we love it! Thanks, and much love to you…

    10. Damn, another fic already? You are on a roll, girl. I am already loving this fic, it seems that things are going to get very interesting. This dinner should be something. And once again, I love that Ash and her mom have a positive relationship. Update soon.

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