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    Take a guesse – (Chapter: I love you [Chapter 1])

    “I love you.”

    Oh crap, did I just say that, I promised myself I wouldn’t say it first. Damn, it just sort of slipped out, its not that I don’t love her, but what if she doesn’t feel the same way towards me. And to make matter worse she’s just sitting there, with that stupid smile on her face that makes me melt every time I see it, and he face is my favorite shade of red, she’s just too adorable, I love that I can make her blush like that. But that’s beside the point, I’m literally holding me breath waiting for her to respond, anything will do.

    God this girl is so beautiful, there couldn’t be a better girl for me out there, yeah she may be my complete opposite but I guess that’s why I love her and why I feel complete when I’m with her, she’s like my missing piece, what I’ve longed for, for so long, someone to love and hopefully if she ever responds to let me know she loves me back, Jesus, respond already.

    She gorgeous, don’t know how I got her or what I did to deserve her but I’m glad I did it. Those eyes, those lips, that hair, the smile, that perfect body, just HER. I’ve heard about love at first sight and all that junk, but I never thought it would come true, especially in my case the way I’ve been living my life. But what do I know, I know that I’m in love with this beautiful girl since the moment I laid my eyes on her, the moment I looked into her eyes and realized that me and her were meant to be.

    I look at the clock behind the beauty that is her and realize it’s only been seconds since I told her how I really felt so maybe I’m just worrying over nothing, but what if she’s thinking of a way to let me down east Oh My God why did I have to tell her. Yes I think I see her lips moving, she’s about to say something. I just hope it’s what I want to hear.

    And her sweet voice finally responds, “ I love you too Ms. …”


    1. I really liked that. I like how many thoughts went through her head after she said ‘I love you’…I’m clicking the ‘Next Post by This Author’ button right now..(smile)

    2. I really liked that. I like how many thoughts went through her head after she said ‘I love you’…I’m clicking the ‘Next Post by This Author’ button right now..(smile)

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