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    Take a guesse – (Chapter: Pop goes the question [Chapter 5])

    Person A
    I walk in to catch my girlfriend in a very sexy and interesting position. I see her look at me and close her eyes, and she sighs. I’m assuming that it’s a sigh of relief knowing that it was her hot and sexy girlfriend that walked in on instead of her mother who surprisingly was actually nice to me a few seconds ago, she opened to door and invited me in.

    I was shocked but happy she was actually being nice, maybe she finally fell for my charm like her daughter, it’s just my sexiness at its best. Wow, have I really been this conceited, have I always been this way, I chuckle at myself and just realize she is still in the same position, and I can’t say it’s not a turn on. I can tell she’s not done yet, so why not lend her a helping hand.

    I closed the door and locked it in a quick and smooth motion, I look at her and see she still has her eyes closed and is breathing deeply in and out. Looks like she is still taking all this in, the fact that her mother could’ve walked in here any minute and that wouldn’t have been pretty, I move towards her and sit on her bed gently.

    I put my hands in her pants where she has a hand right now, she gasps and opens her eyes and look at me and is about to say something, but I don’t give her the chance, I crash my lips into hers. I stick my other hand under her shirt, I caress her free breast. I can tell she got pretty far without me and she’s so close, but no, I need her to start over. And there is only one way that I know how to do that, I stick two fingers into her so slowly, I pull out even slower, knowing if I go any faster she’ll climax, and I want her to come back down so I can be the one to send her flying again.

    I can hear her soft moans as I just play around with her nipple, I love how sensitive they are, just the warmth of my hand makes her moan like crazy, and I just get so turned on, especially when she moans in my mouth, I just love that I’m the one making her make those noises, I’m the only one making her moan, making her scream, the only one that has touched this precious angel.

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