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    Tell Me Where We Go From Here… – (Chapter: Dial-Tone Lullabies)

     It was a major struggle for Ashley to survive through the school day without Spencer. Well, she saw Spence, but it was hard for her to survive without taking control of her, ripping off her clothes, and fucking her senseless in the nearby bathroom. She didn’t know what brought up this sudden state of… Arousal, but she did know that if she didn’t do something about it, and soon, she would most likely explode.


    She nudged Spencer at the lunch table, "Spence, let’s get out of here. My mom just left on another ‘business trip’ and shes not going to be home for two more days, lets go back to my place…" The blonde sensed the slight hint of desperation in her girlfriends voice.

    "Awe, baby, is someone a little bit heated down there?" She giggled, seeing Ashley grunt in frusteration at the teasing.

    "Ugh, yes now can we please leave? I need to get laid!" She hushed her voice back down to a begging whisper.

    "I swear I heard that like, a week ago!"

    Ashley pouted, and Spencer nodded, saying goodbye to a smirking Aiden, and heading towards Ashleys porsche.



    Her tongue slowely entered the delicious mouth of the blonde. Dancing with the others, Ashley fought for dominance on her bed.

    Spencer was first to pull back. "Whats wrong?" The rockstar recollected herself.

    "Nothin’. I felt like torturing you a bit more," Spencer smiled innocently at her girlfriend’s gasp.

    "Do NOT give me that innocent smile, Carlin, I know better of you!" Ashley pulled her girlfriend back into a fierce kiss. Spencer, this time, asked for entrance with her tongue. She made her way on top of the smaller girl, running her fingertips along the exposed skin of Ashleys abdomen as she lifted the shirt up and over her head.

    Spencer kissed down the brunette neck, moans escaping her partners lips with each gentle kiss. She made her way down further, unhooking Ashleys bra skillfully with one hand. Once the garment was removed, she placed butterfly kisses all over her breasts, licking lightly at the girl’s nipple. Once Spencer’s mouth enclosed it, Ashley gasped, running her fingers through the blonde hair, tugging lightly to show her pleasure.

    The girl released the breast from her mouth, kissing languidly further down the fit body, placing them along the waist line of the girl. She slowly unbuttoned the jeans, pushing them down. Each new layer of skin exposed was soon covered with Spencer’s mouth, until she finally reached the spot Ashley had been dying for her to focus on.

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