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    Tell Me Where We Go From Here… – (Chapter: I Think I’m Safer On An Airplane.)

    Spencer awoke to strong but gentle arms wrapped languidly around her waist, and she smiled into the pillow. She turned softly in her lover’s grip. A face encased with brown locks, she moved them away and kissed Ashley’s forehead. She stirred, and Spencer stared waiting, but the tiny girl settled and fell back into her deep slumber.

    Carefully unwrapping the arms around her, Spencer headed out of the bedroom to Ashley’s… No, Ashley and her’s kitchen, checking to see if Aiden was awake. When she heard the shower running she knew the answer, though, and decided to make a breakfast for two.

    The clock read 8:45, Spencer took note of that. Yeah, Ash definitely will not be awake anytime soon for breakfast. The blonde rubbed one unoccupied hand over her eye, then returned to cracking eggs.


    "Mmm, smells good!" Spencer jumped a little, not even noticing that the shower had stopped.

    "I’m making it for two, are you going to stay and eat with me?" Aiden nodded and smiled.


    Reciprocating the expression, she flipped her scrambled eggs over and placed two pieces of toast into the conveniently placed toaster next to her.

    Everything was so clean in the house, especially the kitchen. She noticed how the toaster was still gleaming her reflection, her bed hair and un-cosmitized face. She needed make-up, because to her, she looked like utter crap. But, of course the toaster was mirroring her not-so-pleasent face, Ash had never cooked in her life, and probably never will.

    She shook her head and tuned into Aiden singing to Blink 182.


    "I never connnnqoured when it came, sixteen just held such better days!" She flinched at his slightly less than perfect voice.


    "Aiden, shut the hell up I’m sleeping!" And she flinched even more at the sound of her Princess disturbed, and yelling.


    The singing abruptly stopped. She giggled, and turned of the burner on the stove, sliding the eggs on a giant plate and setting it on the kitchen table.


    "My bad, Ash!" Aiden apologized slightly louder than a whisper.


    "Aiden, come on the foods ready," Spencer peaked her head around the wall seperating the living room and kitchen. He scurried in, sitting down appreciatively before Ashley got up and beat the shit out of his half naked ass.

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    1. I stumbled across this story and read it all the way through. This story is amazing and I wish that you would finish it, but I understand what happens when writers block gets in the way. You’re a wonderful writer and I’m not sure why more people didn’t comment…I certainly would’ve commented every time and would do so if you wrote anything else.

    2. I stumbled across this story and read it all the way through. This story is amazing and I wish that you would finish it, but I understand what happens when writers block gets in the way. You’re a wonderful writer and I’m not sure why more people didn’t comment…I certainly would’ve commented every time and would do so if you wrote anything else.

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