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    Tell Me Where We Go From Here… – (Chapter: If I Do Recall?)

    Ashely lay sprawled across her sunken, tear stained bed. Blue October flowed out of her stereo speaker, pouring into her heart, scarring her with each verse. She could always relate to their songs, though it hurt her to remember the past.

    The pointless one-night stands, the drugs, alcohol, girls, sometimes even guys, passing out only to wake and not know where she was, she was beyond dissapointed in herself.

    ‘Can we pretend I’m amazing? I can pretend I’m amazing, instead of what we both know.’ She cried and sang, and thought, and cried some more. She didn’t understand why she was crying, all she knew was, it was about Spencer. Hell, she didn’t even understand that. She had just experienced an amazing time with the blond, and yet, she still found some way to ruin it afterwards. She mentally kicked herself, Way to go Davies, you’re such a fuck up, don’t be suprised if Spencer dumps you in no time.

    "Shut up, fucking whore!" She yelled aloud at herself, "Spencer loves me! And she doesn’t care about the past!" Taking a breath, she eventually giggled at herself, at how stupid she was acting over literally nothing but old memories, her giggle turning into a full-hearted laugh. She sighed, smiling, and picked up her phone.

    "Meet me at the Pier tonight- 10:00 PM sharp! <333 Ash" She texted her one and only.


    Just as expected, when Ashley pulled up to the Pier’s parking lot at the beach, her girlfriend was loyally waiting by the sand, her shoes in her hand, the moon beautifully shone onto her curious face. Ashley inhaled, and started walking along the sand, coming up behind Spencer, kissing her neck gently, wrapping her arms around her waist, as to greet her.

    Spencer turned, grinning, "Hey!" She leaned in to kiss the brunette tenderly, showing she cared. Ashley set down her small picnic basket, watching Spencer investigate it, smiling ear-to-ear as she unpacked the food items, setting them on a blanket Ashley also provided.

    "Baby, this is so sweet… And unexpected! Why’d you do this for me?"

    "Well, well Spence, this is my way to say-to say… I love you." Ashley sighed, relieved that she finally got those three words that were forbidden to fall from her lips out, and meant it with every fiber in her. Spencer gasped with joy, covering her mouth with her hands in disbelief.

    "Oh my God! Ashley Ellie Davies, i love you too. You don’t know how honored I am to have you say that!" She squeeled gleefully, as Ash rolled her eyes trying to cover up her sudden burst of happiness.

    "Yeah, i know. You should be honored, Carlin!" She teased.

    Spencer playfully gasped again. "You’re so sexy when you’re being narcissistic." The rockstar’s daughter smiled proudly, putting a turkey sandwich onto her and Spencer’s paper plates, then taking a bite.


    All night the only thing Ashley could do was stare into the gorgeous eyes of the gorgeous girl sitting across from her on the beach. Their food was all eaten, small leftovers placed back into the basket.

    Spencer crawled closer to her girlfriend, motioning her closer to her own body. Ashley followed, moving in for a well needed, deep kiss. Clashing lips with her love, she slowly made her way on top of Spencer. Spencer let Ashley’s tongue into her mouth, massaging it with her own. Moaning in pleasure, she wrapped her arms around the other girl’s neck. Ashley was propped on one elbow, her hips pushing a little closer into spencers center, lowering herself onto her completely.

    Ashley knew the night could never go wrong. With Spencer there, the night breeze, moon, and stars, nothing could ever tear apart the couple.

    Not now, not ever.


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