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    That Day Part 2

    Knock knock


    “Ash, are you in there???” Kyla asked on the other side of the door.


    “Shit!” I whispered to Spencer. I knew she wasn’t ready to face all of this yet. “Go hide in the bathroom!” I told her.


    “Ash, do you have someone in there with you?!” Kyla shouted through the door.


    “Uhhh, no!” I yelled back.


    “Oh my God, you do!!! Who is it??? Do I know her?!” Kyla asked loudly.


    “No, Kyla!” I shouted back defensively, scrambling around to find some shorts and a t-shirt to throw on.


    “Hey, babe, why’d you leave the party?” I barely heard Aiden say on the other side of door. Great, it’s a whole party up here.


    “I was wondering if Spencer’s biggest fan, AKA Ashley, knows where she is. I can’t find her anywhere,” Kyla replied.


    “You know, I haven’t seen her either now that you say that,” Aiden said. I saw Spencer crouching in the bathroom briefly as I ran past the doorway of my bathroom to get to my bedroom door to talk to Kyla.


    “What do you wanted, Kyla?” I asked gruffly, opening my door to my sister and her boyfriend. We could all tell I was not thrilled.


    “Sorry to interrupt, but I don’t suppose you would have seen Spencer anywhere, would you? I mean, I can tell you’ve been a little… Busy,” Kyla snickered.


    “She’s your best friend, you should know better than I would. I saw her in the pool, but she ran away when I tried to put the moves on her.” Okay, not a lie, but not the whole truth. Aiden reached up for a high five at my comment of putting the moves on Spencer, which I returned. Kyla kept trying to look past me and peek into my room.


    “I’m telling you, Ash, it’s a lost cause. She’s just one of the few straight girls you can’t pull with your charm and charisma,” Kyla said, still trying to catch a glimpse of who I was with. I internally snickered at that one.


    “So who’s in there, Ash?” Aiden asked curiously.


    “Uhm, no one,” I lied.


    “Oh whatever, you totally ditched your own party and your swimming suit. Someone’s getting laid in there,” Kyla yelled loud enough for Spencer to hear. I heard a giggle come from the bathroom. That means Kyla and Aiden did too.

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