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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: 11 [Saturday Afternoon])

    “So, where do you want to go now?” Ashley asked me as we walked out of another store.
    “I just want to go to your house” I said, I was just so tired we have been here for like 5 hours, god Ashley loves to shop.

    “Come on Spence, we’ve only been here like 5 hours” See my point.

    “Come on Ashley, please” I said as I stuck my bottom lip out at her, the Spencer pout, no one could say no to it, and boy do I know that.

    “God okay, just put that away” She said as we finally headed towards the exit.

    “Besides that means I get to give you your present” Ashley said with that sexy grin on her face.

    “When did you get me something?” I asked, I was with her all day, she didn’t leave my side.

    “Don’t worry about it, just know you’re going to love it” She said as she looked me up and down biting her lip, causing me to blush immediately, god why can she make me blush so easily.

    “That’s quite a cute shade of red” She said taking my face into her hands and kissing me softly on the lips.

    “I love you” I say as she pulls away, my eyes still close as I can still taste Ashley on my lips.

    “Me too” She says as she gives me an Eskimo kiss, you know, the whole nose touching business. I can’t really tell, but I’m sure we look extremely cute doing it.

    “Let’s go” She said as she grabbed my arm, and basically pulled me towards the door.

    We put the things in the back, as get into the car. Ashley turns on the radio and we finally head to her house, and it’s a good thing because my feet are killing me.

    W eventually stop at a red light, I just look out the window, thinking about everything, mostly Ashley, and how everything has changed the past couple of days, how I remember only dreaming how me and Ashley would be together, and how it would last forever. How I was going to tell me family, how am I supposed to tell them the person I’ve liked for so long, finally has returned the feelings, oh and she’s a girl.

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    1. Welcome back! ~~ “And what exactly would my present be that you’re mom can’t be able to see it” I say, letting my imagination run wild. ~~ Spencer my imagination is running wild, as well! I hope you get your computer repaired so the posting will occur more frequently!

    2. Welcome back! ~~ “And what exactly would my present be that you’re mom can’t be able to see it” I say, letting my imagination run wild. ~~ Spencer my imagination is running wild, as well! I hope you get your computer repaired so the posting will occur more frequently!

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