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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Friday Afternoon [Chapter 9])

    “You ready?” She asks over the phone for about the hundredth time in the past 5 minutes.
    “Yes I’m ready” I say. I’ve been ready for the past 2 hours. That’s right, she said she would pick me up at 7, and I’ve been ready since 5, just staring at my ceiling, the anxiety killing me.

    My mom is actually letting me sleep over Ashley’s house all weekend. That’s right, tonight, tomorrow night, even Sunday night, as long as I get to school on Monday, and I have to go to church on Sunday with Ashley.

    Sure I haven’t told Ashley that, but she’s going, even if I have to drag her there with me.

    “Okay, I’m outside” She says.

    “Okay be right there” I say as I practically jump my stairs and open my front door to see Ashley just standing there with the cutest smile ever.

    “Mom, Dad, I’m leaving” I scream out hoping to completely skip the really random questions that my parents are about to ask Ashley, you know, the whole parents want to know who you’re hanging out with.

    “Wait a second Spence” I hear my dad say. I swear if it had been my mom I would’ve made pretended I didn’t hear her, but it was my dad, and I can’t just ignore him.

    “Yes dad” I say as I drop my bags knowing what’s about to happen.

    “How about you introduce us to your new friend, before you go live off of her for the weekend” He says as he smiles and opens the door completely open, practically pulling Ashley inside the house, and throwing her on the couch.

    “So you’re Ashley” My dad sounded as if he was asking instead of pointing out a fact.

    “Yes Mr. C” She said very politely as my mom walked into the room.

    “Hi Mrs. C” She cheerfully said, with what looked to be a genuine smile.

    “Hello Ashley” My mom answered almost a cheerfully as Ashley.

    “So Ashley what are your intentions towards my daughter?” My dad asked her.

    I looked at my dad like what the hell. Does he know, no it can’t be, I mean how could he possibly know. It’s impossible.

    “Well Mr. C” Ashley starts quite calmly I might add.

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    1. Why the hell does Paula keep calling? Her timing sucks! Anyway, I almost lost it when Mr. C said, “So Ashley what are your intentions towards my daughter?” – That was way too funny. Loved the update and I’m looking forward to the HOT dancing between Spashley. PMS

    2. Why the hell does Paula keep calling? Her timing sucks! Anyway, I almost lost it when Mr. C said, “So Ashley what are your intentions towards my daughter?” – That was way too funny. Loved the update and I’m looking forward to the HOT dancing between Spashley. PMS

    3. awww mu so incinuated another type of grinding…lol… and then wen u do clarify u end the post… uuugghhh well hurry an update… i love this story an i’d been waiting for u to post again

    4. awww mu so incinuated another type of grinding…lol… and then wen u do clarify u end the post… uuugghhh well hurry an update… i love this story an i’d been waiting for u to post again

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