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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Friday [Chapter 8])

    We broke the kiss, after we heard the whistles and clapping from the outside. For about the hundredth time I might add. Ashley decided to pick me up earlier than needed for school. We were planning on getting some breakfast, but she said I was teasing her. Since when is tracing circles on your girlfriends upper thigh teasing.
    Okay, so maybe I was, and I’m kind of glad I am. Because right now, we’re making out, and we’ve been making out for a long time. Sure we’re parked in the school parking lot, and we’ve received all the whistles, a bunch of ‘Let’s go Davies’ as everyone recognizes her house, and they can see two figures in the car, even through the tainted windows. The only thing you couldn’t see is my face, and although I am not ashamed of being with Ashley or anything, but I’m glad people can’t see it’s us.

    I went all night without tasting these lips, I deserve a medal or something, god, seriously, I don’t think I could live without them, like if we ever break up, god forbid, I would be her friend just to kiss her a couple times a day on the lips. They’re just so puffy, especially when I bite them, they look so cute, especially with her smile, oh god, I would kill for them.

    “Crap” She says as the bell rings for school. I just smile as I get off Ashley and start looking in my book bag for something to hold my hair up, because the way Ashley was pulling it, a ponytail is the only thing that’s going to help fix it.

    Now I’m not saying that I’m ashamed of Ashley being my girlfriend, not at all, I just like to walk through the halls and not hearing the stupid remarks, and well Ashley understands. So we just wait for everybody to head to their classrooms as we wait for everything to be clear.

    We get out of the car and walk towards my class hand in hand. We just walk in complete silence, just admiring the hand holding between us, and each other as we walk. She lets go of my hand and puts her hand in my back pocket.

    She told me she liked to do that so everyone knew I was hers, and well I couldn’t say I minded where her hand was placed. And I liked that everyone knew I was hers, and that she was mine, I really do love this girl, and I’m happy people would know.

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