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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Saturday [Chapter 10])

    I wake up with that protective arm around my waist. I smile as I look back at the girl that has me in her arms, god what a crazy night.
    I try and get up to go use the bathroom, but as soon as I move, the arm around my waist grips tighter around my waist.

    “Ash, I have to use the bathroom” I whisper, hoping she is up.

    “I’m going to count to 50, you better be back” She says as she lets go and turns faces the other way.

    “Wait I have to find my clothes” I say. So we slept in nothing but bras and panties, it’s not like we had planned this, but something spilled on my clothes and I took off my clothes and was just too tired to put on new clothes, or something like that.

    “1…2…3…4” She starts counting. Crap, guess this robe will have to do.

    I run out of the room, heading towards the bathroom before I hear someone say something from behind me.

    “Ashley, is that you?” I turn around and see a woman, probably in her late 40s, could pass as Ashley’s older sister with all the surgery that her face has.

    “No, I’m Spencer” I say shyly as the lady starts walking towards me.

    “Well hello, I’m Christine” She says as she extends her hands towards me, and I just shake it politely.

    “Sorry to bother you, but, what are you doing in my house?” She says, in a somewhat mean way, but apparently she has no idea what I’m doing in her house, and I would be mad at me too.

    “Mom” I hear Ashley call out from the bedroom.

    “Leave her alone, I love her, she’s going to be your new daughter in-law” She yells again and I just blush.

    “Her name is Spencer, and you can meet her later, I need her now” She yells again only causing me to blush even more.

    “Well hello Spencer, nice to meet you, I’m Ashley’s mom” She says with a genuine smile that almost imitates Ashley’s. Same comfort level, but not same love level, if you know what I mean.

    “Spencer” Ashley yells once again.

    “Ashley, do us a favor and shut up” She yells back causing me to slightly giggle.

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