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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Thursday Afternoon [Chapter 7])

    I look at myself in the mirror for the hundredth time today. God I can’t find what I want to wear. It’s so hard to decide, I want to look good, but not like too good, damn, I can’t even explain how I want to look.
    I look around in my closet and see a box on the top shelf, I take it down and open it up, and it looks just I just found what I want to wear.

    After looking at myself in the mirror for the past 5 minutes, I have just decided I couldn’t have picked a better outfit, well maybe I could if Ashley had let me know where we were going to go. But this is perfect, I’m practically ready to go anywhere.

    I hear my phone ring and I practically jump over all the clothes on the floor and look at the caller ID. Yes, it’s Ashley, okay not try to sound not as eager as you actually are.

    “Hello” I answer

    “Hey baby” I hear Ashley respond.

    “Hi” I say as I feel myself smile

    “Are you ready?” She asks. I just nod my head.

    “Spence, we already went through this, I can’t see you nod over the phone.” She laughs.

    “Oh right, yes I’m ready” God she knew me so well already.

    “Okay, I’ll be there in 5”

    “Okay and Ashley”

    “Yeah Spence?”

    “I love you”

    “I love you too baby”

    “Can’t wait”

    “Me neither sweetie, be there in 5, just wait downstairs okay honey”

    “Okay, I love you”

    “Me too Spence, me too” She laughs a bit. She sends me a kiss over the phone before hanging up. God, I’ve fallen hard, really, really hard. I go downstairs to see my mom and dad watching a movie on the couch. My dad looks at me and smiles, my mom looks at me and she smiles too.

    “So hot date tonight Spence?” Glen asks as he walks into the room. Of course in his hands he has a sandwich.

    “No Glen, just going out with a friend” I respond

    “Sure you are” He walks upstairs to his room I assume.

    “So where are you going honey?” My dad asks.

    “I am not even really sure, my friend just wanted to hang out.” I say and look at them, trying to not think about Ashley right now. They both looked satisfied with the answer.

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    1. I just caught up on this great story and it’s smokin’ HOT! If Spencer and Ashley continue to tease each other they may explode upon next contact. PMS

    2. I just caught up on this great story and it’s smokin’ HOT! If Spencer and Ashley continue to tease each other they may explode upon next contact. PMS

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