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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Tuesday [Chapter 2])

    I’m heading to my favorite class of the day once again. And Ashley Davies actually spoke to me yesterday, god it was just so great. I mean I thought about her all day, I tanked my Spanish test because of her, just couldn’t get her out of my head. I even dreamt about her, and I must say it was quite a naughty dream. There was Ashley and there was me, and well lets just say we did not have any clothes on but there was a bed so we could keep warm, but there weren’t any sheets. We had to keep warm a different way.
    I just smile at the thought of my dream, especially since I needed a very Cold shower to cool off. The funny thing is, I don’t even find it weird I had a ‘sex’ dream about Ashley, I don’t know why, I know I should be weirded out, because well it was about a girl and ahh I just don’t know, it felt right.

    I mean I don’t think I’m gay, but now I’m not so sure. She’s the only one that has ever made me question my sexuality, and well I don’t know.

    I head to the class knowing I’m about to be late and I see Ashley standing outside once again. I head over to her and she hands me another note.

    “Open it in class” She tells me once again as she puts her hand on my shoulder and slides it down my arm and walks into the class. I follow her in and same seats as the day before, and every other day of the year. I open the note and read it while I unconsciously play with her brown locks.

    Hey Spence umm how ya doin? Thnx for the braids once again, they were beautiful ) well anyway, I was wondering if you want to like hang out today with me my friend like bailed on me and well my afternoon just got free and wanted to know it you wanted to hand out

    Not saying that you’re not my friend or anything I mean you are and I don’t want you to think im replacing my friend with you or anything, I mean, well I don’t know what I mean anymore I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out so let me know

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