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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Wednesday Afternoon [Chapter 5])

    “Spencer!” I hear my name called from downstairs. I groan in frustration. I pull out my two fingers and wrap the towel around my body.
    “Be right down” I scream out. Guess my daydream with Ashley will have to wait.

    I walk down the stairs and see my mom and dad sitting on the couch both with wide smiles on their faces. I sit down across from them and just look at them, as they continue to smile.

    “Honey, we have some good news” My mom says smiling wider than before.

    “What is the good news?” I ask curious, what the hell has my mom that happy.

    “Well we got a phone call this morning, and we didn’t tell you because we wanted it to be a surprise if you actually got accepted” I look at her completely confused, is my mom like sending me somewhere, oh crap, she’s probably going to send me to a monastery or something.

    “Where? Where was I accepted?” I ask her, wanting to know where I was going to go.

    “Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow” Oh crap, she is sending my to a monastery what the hell, how come I didn’t get a say in this.

    “Why am I going there?” I ask

    “Because honey, it is the best catholic school here in L.A.” My mom says as her smile grows bigger.

    “That’s not fair” I scream out.

    “Honey, what are you talking about, this is great, you should be happy” She says to me.

    “How am I supposed to be happy, you’re sending me away, to a stupid catholic school” I yell out again.

    “Honey no one is sending you anywhere” My dad finally speaks. He walks up to me and gives me a hug.

    “I made sure she wasn’t sending you away, it’s close to here, and so you’ll still see your friends from King High” He whispers into my ear. I guess that makes it a little better, but I like King High, especially since I get to see Ashley everyday there.

    “I guess that’s fine” I say

    “Well good, you’re starting on Monday” My mom says. I could argue, but what’s the point, my mom and I barely see things eye to eye anymore, I guess I should just smile and nod. I walk upstairs and lay down on my bed. My cell phone starts to ring I immediately smile as I see the caller ID.

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