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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Wednesday [Chapter 4])

    I wake up and slam the alarm clock to my left. God, I hate school, it sucks so much. Then my mind gets flooded with memories from last night. Was it all real, was it just another dream, or did it come true. Did we really kiss, is she really my girlfriend. I sit up and try to think if it was just a dream or if it really happened. Well, I guess there is only one real way to find out.
    I search for my cell phone and quickly go to the phone book. I find the name rather quickly, well it is like the first name in the stupid phone book on my cell. I press the ‘talk’ button and wait for the rings. I hear the third ring and then I hear a click.

    “Hello” I hear in a very sleepy tone

    “Hey” I respond softly. A smile appears on my face from just hearing her voice.

    “So what’s up?” She asks. I guess this is where I find out if it was a dream or not.

    “Just called to see how my girlfriend doing this morning” I respond hoping she doesn’t get too freaked out if it wasn’t a dream.

    “Well, what’s your girlfriend’s name?” She asks me. Crap, maybe it was a dream. God, I knew it, there is no way me and her happened, there is no way we kissed, I mean she’s not even gay, heck, I’m not even gay.

    “Well since you’re having trouble remembering, I’ll give you a little hint, her first name starts with an A and ends with a Y” I smile as soon as I hear her.

    “Is her name Alley?” I ask

    “Nope” She quickly responds

    “Is her name Amy?” I ask her with the smile on my face getting bigger.

    “Nope, but I should let you know that you only get three guesses and if you don’t get the name right, you lose all your kissing privileges” She chuckles through the phone.

    “Oh well I guess I should really think hard about it” I respond

    “Hmm” I continue teasing her over the phone

    “Can I get back to you later with the answer?” I ask her over the phone.

    “Spencer!” She yells through the phone

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