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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Five)

    After that day I decided to make a few changes for Spencer. I would never have made changes for anybody else, but somehow this girl already had me wrapped around her finger. But, I figured I could just stick to smaller crimes likes skipping school and roaming around the city. This way she wouldn’t be angry at me, and I wouldn’t have to worry about the need to create havoc. But first thing is first, I needed to find a partner in crime.

    Finding a partner was never an easy thing to do. You had to find the right person for the job, someone that would do just about anything just for the thrill. For days I observed the people around me, until I found him.

    He was one those guys that were muscular, good looking, good at sports. But despite all of that, I knew he was perfect, because dear old Aiden Dennison was the class clown with a history of creating mayhem. The guy that let all the white rats out, it was him. The guy who snuck down into the girls locker room, it was him. He came with a record. Perfect.

    I’m not listening not anymore

    The more I learn the more I ignore

    I’m not listening not anymore

    The more I hear the more I ignore

    I’m not listening not anymore

    Cause you got be bigger

    And be faster and be stronger

    If you’re going to survive any longer

    In this lifetime it better be the right time

    Cause the first time might be your last time

    And I’m not a failure if I’ve got nothing to lose

    No I’m not a failure

    “Aiden, right?” I asked as the boy stepped out of his class.

    “Yeah, that’s me,” he answered looking confused. “Who wants to know?”
    “Names Ashley Davies,” I replied looking around to make sure I had plenty of time to get out before the bell rang and I got stuck in class.

    “Oh, dude I heard what you did to the principals car. That’s legendary shit there,” he smirked. This was going to be too easy.

    “You think so huh? Well what are you doing right now?”

    “Class,” he answered like it was obvious.

    “Really?” I raised my eyebrows to look almost repulsed at the thought.

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