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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Four)

    It only took a matter of days, but I already had a genius idea for dear old principal Wenger. I would usually have let it slip, but the guy just must not have gotten it through his thick fucking skull. He called me down to the office everyday to check on my “progress.” And everyday he kept calling me Miss Davies. Well, I had finally figured out a plan where I could get him back, have him know it was me, but not be able to do anything about it.

    “Ashley Davies to the office. Ashley Davies to the office,” the intercom sounded. Phase one complete, time to soak in the victory.

    “Ashley,” the principal addressed me. Yeah, he got the fucking message.

    “Principal Wenger,” I smiled taking a seat. This was going to be fun.

    “Ashley, I wouldn’t suppose you would know anything about what happened to my car?” he asked his face already a shade of purple.

    “What happened to your car sir?” I asked trying not to laugh or smile to much.

    “It was found in the back of a furniture store with the windows in pieces, tires slashed, and the sides were engraved with a key to read Principal Fuck Face.” you got to love the personal little touches.

    “I’m sorry to hear that,” I pretended to be sorry. We both knew I did it, but it’s all a matter of proof.

    “Yeah, you wouldn’t happen to know the furniture store it was found in the back of would you?” he asked building up to my favorite part. Oh, the irony.

    “No, can’t say I do.”

    “It was found in the back of an Ashley furniture store.”

    “Wow, that’ s weird,” I stated watching his face turn an even deeper shade of purple, veins starting to pop out of his neck.

    “Ashley I know you did this,” he tried to keep his voice down. Well, at least he’ll never call me Miss Davies again.

    “I do not know what you could be possibly talking about sir,” I put as much cheekiness in it as I could. “What time did this incident occur?”
    “Fifth hour.”

    “Well, sir at this time, I was in my English Lit class fast asleep,” I smiled loving the fact that I was about thirty steps ahead of him.

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    1. this story looks awesome!! i did someting like that to a teacher once. well, it was different. i slept with his wife. she was hot. i think it was different because he never found out. that way i was satisfied and he didn’t get hurt. anyways, great update!! PMS!!!!

    2. Wow, I would’ve loved to have done that to some of my teachers. But alas I was a good kid, damn it. Oh well I shall live vicariously through Ashley. Amazing update. PMASAP!!!

    3. Wow…amazing chapter! I like how eventhough spencer was mad at ashley she still found it in herself to comfort her. I can’t wait for more of this great story. PMASAP!!!!!!!!!

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