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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Nine)

    Have you ever had one of those days that you wake up feeling like something dramatic is going to happen, like you’re standing on shaky ground, and all hell is about to break loose? For some reason, I just felt like something was going to hit big time, and I couldn’t help but try and brace myself for impact.

    Spencer was smiling at me this morning thankfully, lifting my spirits. I mean, as long as everything was fine with her, what could I possibly have to worry about?


    The day started out as normal as ever. Before school started Aiden and I sat on the tables talking about this weekend and our schemes. After that I went to class. I had a nice conversation with Roy, and slept through my first couple of hours.

    The only thing that was out of the ordinary was that people seemed to keep starring at me all day long. I mean, I’m used to being starred at, but not by everybody all at once. I could feel their eyes on me constantly. It was kind of annoying. I was three stares away from going off on the next loser that couldn’t keep their eyes to there selves.


    “Hey Ash,” Aiden greeted me as I sat down next to him at our lunch spot.

    “Hey Aid,” I looked around to find people were still fucking starring at me. Ok, someone is going to get fucked up here real fucking soon.

    “You alright?” he asked noticing the tension.

    “Yeah,” I sighed. I’ll get to the bottom of this, and when I do, someone is going to get hurt.

    “So this weekend…”


    The starring went on the rest of the day. It was to the point that they weren’t even trying to pretend anymore that they weren’t looking at me. I even tried starring back. I practically had a starring contest with the kids sitting next to me. Sighing, I dealt with this the only way I knew how, direct confrontation.

    “What!” I yelled to the kid next to me. He looked shocked I screamed during class. He obviously didn’t know me too well.

    “Noth, nothing,” he stuttered trying to look away. Too late fuck face.

    “No, what?” I demanded again.

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    1. i’m tired of waiting! i love this story. post very soon or i’ll be forced to leave you a million messages. oh, and this chapter was awesome

    2. so.wait..madison wasnt really the little girl was she? cuz i mean .. how much younger than ashley IS she ..thtd put her back a lott of yearsss. hah.i loveddd ittt as usual.pmss

    3. Madison is so messed up. I mean who in their right mind would do that to another person. Hopefully ashley will get her back worse. PMS!!!!!!

    4. Madison is an uberbitch. I can’t believe that even she would sink so low. I’m glad Spencer’s not mad at Ashley though. Amazing update. PMASAP!!!!

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