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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: chapter Ten)

    It had been a long night. So many scenes played behind my eyes. While it scorched my mind, it froze my heart. Even with Spencer next to me, I couldn’t help but feel so far away. It felt like it was growing, putting distance between me and anyone I’ve ever tried to care about after her. Maybe this was why I always found it hard to get close to anybody…

    Either way, the nightmares screamed all the same.

    Ever since, well since that night I’d pretty much been alone. Today was no exception. I sat by myself at lunch, leaning back into the brick building. My pudding was no longer hold my attention, and my mind had managed to wander elsewhere. Maybe that’s why I didn’t hear the footsteps until he was within feet.

    “What?” I snapped angry he had interrupted my day dream. God, I just wanted to be left alone right now.

    “Hey Ashley,” he wore a cocky little grin.

    “Hey Matt,” I exhaled deeply almost feeling bad I snapped, but I still didn’t like the guy much. I wasn’t a fan of guys with too big of egos. They just screamed drama.

    “So I was wondering,” he paused only for dramatic effect. He wasn’t nervous, I could see it in his eyes, the cocky son of a bitch. “You got a date for the dance Friday?”

    “Nope,” I replied trying to remember where I had left off on my day dream. But all I could think about was how I had made Alex promise she would go with me to the dance. That was a long time ago…

    “Well, want to go with me,” he smiled like I had already said yes.

    “No thanks,” I tried to reply politely. Alex’s parents didn’t like it when I was rude at their house. So I had tried to learn, for her. I’d do anything for her.

    “Wait, why?” he asked confused by the rejection. Like I said, cocky.

    “You’re not my type k?”

    “Well what’s your type, girl?” he joked until he saw the smile form on my lips.

    “Yeah actually, so then maybe you do have a chance,” I laughed a little. But I could tell I had hurt his ego. Stupid guys and their stupid testosterone.

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    1. Hey, just read the whole story up til now. I really enjoy it, I hope you decide to finish it. Meanwhile, I’ll sit here waiting for Ashley to finally open up to Spencer.

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