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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Three)

    When Monday came and school started, I knew everything that was going to happen. That fact just seemed to make me even more angry, adding to my already angry self. The principal was going to tell me that he was watching me. The teachers were going to hate me for falling asleep in their class, and mumbling smart ass comments about them. Then there would be the fake chicks that walked around like they owned everything, while the jocks drooled behind them, almost hoping that one would stumble so they could attack like tigers chasing antelope.

    I couldn’t help but smirk when we arrived at school at the rumors that would be circulating this place in days. When you don’t say anything, sit by anybody, and come late in the year, well your going to either be thought of as a serial killer in the making, or a freak. Who knows, maybe I’ll be a combination of the two this time.


    It’s just one of those days

    Where you don’t want to wake up

    Everything fucked

    Everybody sucks

    You don’t really know why

    But you want to justify ripping someone’s head off

    No human contact

    And if you interact

    You’re like a self contract

    Your best bet is to stay away mother fucker

    Just one of those days

    It’s all about the he said she said bull shit

    I think you better quit letting shit slip

    Or you’ll be leaving with a fat lip

    It’s all about the he said she said bull shit

    I think you better talking that shit


    “Miss Davies,” the principle gave me one of those stupid authority looks that makes you want to punch people like that right in the face.

    “Ashley,” I corrected him. I hated when people called me by my last name. It made me sound too much like my mother. God, I hated my mother. She was never married fucking long enough to stay Mrs. Fucking Dip Shit.

    “Well, it says here that you are on your last chance here Miss Davies.” Breath Ashley. Breath. Last chance.

    “It’s Ashley,” I corrected him for the last time trying to control my anger. Why was it so hard to understand? Do you want to spell it out for you, or better yet…

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    1. I love this story so make me happy and update soon lol. Real soon please. BTW i love how Ashley is slowly accepting Spencer. Spencer is too cute and nice. okay now i done!!!! UPDATE

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