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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter two: A Past That Burns)

    The next morning Spencer didn’t ask me about why I had woke up in the middle of the night screaming. She just smiled at me pleasantly, acting as if it had never happened. Which was unlike the other two boys that couldn’t stop staring at me. Rolling my eyes, I just poured some cheerios and pretended like I didn’t give a shit that they couldn’t look away.

    “How did you sleep last night Ashley?” Mr. Carlin asked getting ready to go to work.

    “Fine,” I lied looking over at Spencer to make sure she wouldn’t say anything. It wasn’t a big deal. Half the time I wake up screaming. At juvie it showed people I was weak. So, I had to make sure to create a rep that no one would fuck with.

    “So uh Ashley what did you do,” I looked up to see a big cheeky grin on a curly blonds face. I couldn’t help but smile at how cocky he was. That wouldn’t last long.

    “Well,” I started smirking to myself. “There was this boy that just never shut the fuck up. You know what I’m saying? He just really bugged the shit out of me. So, one night when he was sleeping I…”

    I started, but was interrupted by Mr. C. “Ok, ok, that’s enough. She’s just kidding. Ashley,” he turned to me sternly. “I think we should go over some ground rules.

    “Ok, Mr. C,” I smiled at him. He was the sort of man I could respect, and trust me I didn’t respect many. But he had took me in when I had nobody.

    “Rule number one, there’s no ditching school,” wow, that one was going to be hard. “You start school in a few days. Spencer will help show you around. Rule two no drugs or alcohol. Rule three curfew is midnight. Rule four make sure you show up at our appointments. Rule five…” he dragged on. I couldn’t help but tune him out though after awhile, because I knew I was going to break just about every single one.

    So, I just smiled and nodded. I did feel kind of bad for the guy though. I mean, nobody else could handle me. Fuck, sometimes I couldn’t even stand myself. But I’d grit my teeth and at least try. It was going to fail, but I’d try.

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    1. i wanna know what she did now…i love that she kinda sorta trusts her, I like how they have their secrets of comfort. I really like this story its all kinda of angsty and what not, its exciting lol

    2. I really love this one too! I’m glad that Spencer can give Ashley comfort. I can’t wait to find out what happened in Ashley’s past. Awesome update. PMASAP!!!!

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