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    The Assassination of Trust – (Chapter: Consequences)


    There is really nothing you must be.  And there is nothing you must do.  There is really nothing you must have.  And there is nothing you must know.  There is really nothing you must become.  However it helps to understand that fire burns, and when it rains the earth gets wet… "Whatever, there are consequences.  Nobody is exempt," said the Master.


    Robert Fulghum (1937 – )

    Source: It Was On Fire When I Lay Down On It, Page: 196




    A simple day.

    The distorted mumbling of a television in a close room.

    The occasional exclamation from my child followed by overzealous straw sipping and the gentle creaking of a miniature rocking chair on old hardwood.

    The sound of a loud conversation about paint sneaking in through a window.

    A simple day.

    The absence of Rebecca’s hard footsteps, scraping towards me like a familiar demon.

    The absence of a sequence of jarring telephone beckoning with an accusatory voice attached to the other end.

    A rare moment to sip an average cup of glorious tea and a few long seconds to breathe in its healing vapors.

    A simple, extraordinary day. The calm before more calm before her storm.

    I had seen her before this day. In fact, I saw her everywhere. In sad blondes lingering over late lunches at the café down the block, joggers running close behind in the park early in the morning while my daughter slept at home, the shadows standing in the bathroom seen only through a mirror powdered with condensation.

    There was a strange disappointment after every realization. But as I wiped her away with my hand and stared at my empty reflection, I also felt relief. Before my sister stopped returning my calls, we would talk about it often. This blending of disappointment and relief. Kyla needed an ending.

    I needed a beginning.

    I drank my tea slowly and lazily flipped catalog pages as Maggie watched and rocked in the next room. A cool breeze scattered my hair, sending a chill where every strand fell. A stranger of nature rustling it playfully and walking away like an affectionate lover or a comfortable parent.

    The house was nice. Ceilings that seemed very far away, strong mahogany furniture in every room minus the kitchen, appliances that obviously had never seen use before my arrival. But it was all very temporary.

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    1. read this earlier but didn’t have time to comment but I just reread it and it was brilliant as stix said. I’m amazed that they were both so calm with one another, although I was glad that ashley was crying. at least she realizes everything that has happened. very excited about the next chapters, and thrilled that you will grace us with another story before your retirement!

    2. and you’ve hammered out yet another amazing chapter! it definitely wasn’t what i had imagined their meeting would be like. And like stix04 said, the dialogue was fantastic! it was so calm, which freaks me out a little. i’m just waiting for the shit to hit the fan… i really can’t wait to see how you wrap this all up! i’ll be sitting on the edge of my seat waiting! thanks for writing, you are brillant. oh and high five on doing one more story! you made my day =)

    3. *applause*beautifully written!! fantastic. I was on the edge of my seat from the 1st word to the last! gosh, I was totally absorbed by this. thx for updating. I’m a lil sad it’s coming to an end BUT glad u’re throwing another story, our way, soon :)PMS

    4. That was breathtakingly brilliant- start to finish, breathtakingly brilliant. The pacing was perfect, the descriptions were vivid, Ashley’s thoughts just right, and the dialogue was fantastic! I really cannot wait to see how this ends, and knowing that you’re writing another story is comforting…I don’t know why I’m using that word, but it really is. Awesome chapter, you nailed it!

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