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    The Assassination of Trust – (Chapter: Nature)

    “Where am I supposed to go, Spencer? What am I supposed to do?”

    “I don’t know.”

    I don’t care.

    “Are you leaving me here…in this room?”

    “I hadn’t really thought this part out, I guess.”


    “I can tell.”

    “I could take you to Ashley.”

    “I don’t want that.”


    “It’s just not what I want.”

    Because you trust her as little as I do. Because you know the secrets you’ve told could save your life when it came to me, and end it when it came to her.

    “You have to go somewhere.”

    “I know.”

    “Actually,” I said, sitting beside her on the bed, watching her bob slightly with the addition of my weight, “I did think this part out.”


    “I was going to kill you.”

    “Do you think you could’ve killed me? Honestly?”

    “Probably not. But at that time I felt like I could have, yeah. Who knows, Kyla? How do you plan something like this? I mean, it’s not who I am.”

    “I know.”


    No, you don’t.

    “It’s not like…it’s not like I wanted this. It’s not like…”

    “I know. Spencer, do I look like I’m in a place to judge you? Really? Look at what I’ve done. Just look at what I’ve done to you.”

    “Yeah, well…”

    “I don’t know my sister well enough to know what she could possibly say to you. I don’t think there’s anything she can do or say at this point, you know? She fucked up. We all did. And I’m not really sure what you stand to gain now that you have the truth…from me. But I know that I owe you more than an apology for my part. And since I don’t have any other words, I guess all I can say is that I’m sorry.”

    “He did rape me, you know. I’ve never lied about that.”


    “He raped me.”

    “What are you talking about? Why are you saying that?”

    “When I talk about him, you seem angry. Defensive. Maybe you have feelings for him. I’m not exactly sure. But in case you do, I’m warning you. And you know that the last thing I need to do at this point is lie, ok? What he did to me is bad enough without the rape, and unspeakable with it. You can’t trust him. Even if you want to, you can’t trust him, Kyla. I’m serious.”

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    1. can’t wait until they finally meet again. should be interesting to see what they have to say to one another. especially what ashley has to say. I’m still really hoping that they can work things out but I don’t know about that happening. great update!

    2. almost forgot I noticed you said ‘remembering what was good about who she was’ and can’t help but wonder if it is a clue of what’s to come.

    3. Sorry I’m only just reading thus. I wanted t out some time aside so I could concentrate….I like to be fully on the ball when I read your updates. What can I say. It was intense and I wasn’t sure at the start of the chapter just how far Spencer would go….as you’ve already posted the next chapter I’ll pop and read that and find out what happens next! *squeal of excitement*!!

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