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    The Assassination of Trust – (Chapter: Simple as the Flowers…)

    Although a man may be as simple as the flowers of the field; knowing when, but scarcely why, he closes to the bitter wind; and feeling why, but scarcely when, he opens to the genial sun; yet without his questing much into the capsule of himself–to do which is a misery—he may have a general notion how he happens to be getting on.—Lorna Doone Chapter LXVII.


    I think about him a lot on these long stretches of winding, monotonous road. Purples into oranges and all at once it seems, into darkness. Sometimes these roads last forever, and I fear the fact that I can’t look backwards. If I could look backwards, the darkness wouldn’t come so quickly. Behind me, the colors still exist.

    She’s restrained almost every part of me now.

    I’m tied up and bound and ultimately stuck. But somehow it’s still better than being in my small house. Waiting for her. It is better to be here than to anticipate it.

    I’ve made her into a villain because it’s easier. When in fact, she’s merely the result of actions I participated in and for that, I am owed this restraint. For my lack of restraint in the months in the Dennison House, I am now constantly restrained. My circumstances are poetic and poetry is not always beautiful.

    We’re moving north now and soon we’ll be close to where they are. This brings me very little comfort. Because proximity means I better start talking, and my words better bring her directly to Ashley.

    The tragedy of it all is that she fools no one but herself. She wants her niece, of course. She needs to fix what she’s done, heal the wounds she’s guilted herself into believing she inflicted. But I imagine that on the road her mind wanders to thoughts of my sister, despite all her trying. It was once evident in the features I can no longer see, and still evident in the anxious sighs I could still hear.

    “We’re stopping soon.”

    I can’t reply, my words stifled by the soft scarf that covers my mouth, it’s knot at the back of my head. And there are no gestures that can be made in my present position, not that she could see them anyway. I had been moved to the backseat for most travel now, due to all of my protesting and attempts to catch the attention of other drivers.

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    1. I know I’ve said this before, but I have to say it again… I love the quotes at the beginning of the chapters… I always go back and read them after I’m done reading to see if my understanding of them has changed… it’s a lot of fun… Anyway, great chapter… everything feels so desperate… I wonder who called the front desk?? And more importantly what kyla’s going to say about rebecca… I really have no idea how this is going to play out, and I love that! Seriously this story has me glued to the edge of my seat! I’m still hoping that ashley and spencer somehow end up together, but that seems like a stretch haha great update! Please pms! Thanks for writing!

    2. Rebecca intrigues me more and more with each update. the hold she seems to have on everyone. dying to know what kyla said about the whole thing! I’m sure we’ll find out eventually lol. I am also with jtsec about ash and spence ending up together but yea that seems rather impossible at this point. great update as always and I sit with baited breath waiting for the next!

    3. Well! Should I expect a full explanation of the situation next chapter or are you going to continue to tangle us up in your web?? Whatever it is I know I’m going to enjoy every minute of it! This chapter filled in a few blanks for me in your ever teasing way…an insight into Ashley and Ky;a’s relationship and an intimate yet still outside perspective on Ashley and Rebecca…..

    4. I love this story. I get so excited everytime I see that you’ve update. I can’t wait to find out more about Rebecca. Fantastic update. PMASAP!!!

    5. you know i cant remeber what author or story it was but the author would always leve advice or qutes and id copy and past them so i could remeber them but my stupid laptop deleted them and i cant rmeber one :( but i love yours :) and man this chapter was intense i loved it i was sitting on the edge of my seat the whole time…okay so soe how i ended up on my knees infront of the computer but thats not the point lol :) the point is everychapter gets better and better but i know from whats going on that there is not going to be a splashley every after somehow i mean spencer would be pretty stupid to take her,and when you added that moment in there between spencer and kyla about being intamite i was like “maybe thats a hint for some spyla” :) *shrugs* a girls can only wish lol im a huge spyla fan like i love splashley but i realy realy love spyla lol :) so thats enough of my rambling lol pms please :) i cant wait :)

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