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    The Assistant – (Chapter: 1)

    The longer Spencer stared at the numbers on the clock in her car, the faster time seemed to tick away.  She tried to pick up speed, but it was as if every light was red, more cars were on the road, and though she drove this way five times a week – sometimes more — she could swear there were more stop signs than usual.   In five minutes she would be late, and she was still at least 15 minutes away from her job.

    She looked at the seat next to her, surveying its contents.  If she was going to be late, she should at least make she had everything.  A Venti Mocha Cappuccino and coffee cake from Starbucks, check.   Today’s Los Angeles Times, check.  Planner, check.  ID Badge, check. She relaxed a little knowing she was at least prepared, even if she was going to get berated for being late again.

    Twenty minutes later she pulled up to the front of the 15-story building, tossed her keys at the valet, grabbed the stuff out of the passenger seat and took off.  She quickly scanned her card at the turnstile, nodding a slight hello to the security guard, before sprinting to the elevator.  The run cost her at least two ounces of cappuccino that spilled across her hand, only slightly warming it.  Now she knew she was in trouble.  The coffee wasn’t even hot anymore.

    After pressing hard on the elevator button for what felt like minutes, it finally dinged open.  Now she would have to patiently wait for it to haul her up to the top floor.  This was her second time late this week, but it was also only the second time she’d ever been late in the two years she’d worked at Venom Entertainment.  She hoped that would be taken into account, but knowing her boss it wasn’t likely.

    When the elevator doors finally slide open, she replaced her sprint with a brisk walk, not wanting everyone on the floor to know she was late. 

    “Spencer!” Chelsea, the receptionist, yelled as she sped by.  Spencer didn’t want to stop and cost herself even more precious seconds, but the urgency in Chelsea’s voice demanded it. 

    “What’s wrong?” Spencer asked impatiently walking up to the receptionist’s desk, noting Chelsea’s worried face.

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    1. glad youre on here with a new one, i dig it definitely… it will be nice to see how ashley loosens up! aaaaand… id love some more hoops. hurry and edit, youre killing us!

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