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    The Assistant – (Chapter: 10)

    Spencer couldn’t afford to miss work but that didn’t stop her from calling out sick for the rest of the week.  When her family had come home the night of her confrontation with Carmen, she’d explained her battered face as a run-in with a door.  It was the best excuse she could come up with, and she was relieved when no one outright questioned it. Though, they had all looked at her doubtfully. Her mother had even started to lecture her but was thankfully interrupted when her father quickly changed the subject to their trip to Ohio. 

    Spencer’s failure to fool her parents made her realize she’d never be able to come up with a convincing enough excuse for an office full of nosey co-workers.  They didn’t know her as well, but they were definitely more suspicious and more likely to believe the sensational.  Better fuel for gossip.  The concerned stares from her family may have been borderline unbearable, but she knew she couldn’t endure those same looks from strangers, speculating behind her back.  

    The days off had also given her time to reflect on her relationship with Carmen.  Spencer had rarely left her bed in the past week, only for bathroom and food breaks. She hadn’t been able to face anyone, not even her daughter.  Sammy witnessing the hit hurt worse than the punch itself.  Spencer had never wanted Sammy to see that and had divorced Carmen to prevent it from happening.

    It dawned on her that by tolerating her ex-wife’s demands and mood swings, she had likely given Carmen the impression that she had the same control over her that she’d had when they were married.   Carmen had called several times from several numbers over the last few days, but Spencer refused to pick up.  The first day the messages Carmen left seemed almost remorseful.  But every day the calls went unanswered, the messages got angrier.  The one Spencer had checked that afternoon, day five, was filled with so many insults and accusations she was sure Carmen would have enjoyed the chance to have a go at her again.

    But Spencer was determined not to speak to Carmen until she was sure she had reined in her temper enough to hold a productive conversation with her ex-wife.  She’d promised herself to never take another dime from Carmen no matter how desperately she or Sammy needed it.  She also thought it a good idea to never be alone with her.  If Carmen wanted to see Sammy, she wouldn’t deny her that.  But never again would it be just the two of them.  Carmen could have supervised visits in the living room, under the watchful eye of her brother or parents.  Spencer was sure Carmen would fight her decision, but, for once, she wouldn’t back down. Maybe, as time passed, she could stand to be in the same room with her ex-wife again.  But even now, thinking about Carmen made her so angry, Spencer clenched her fists with such force her nails punctured the skin of her palm.

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