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    The Assistant – (Chapter: 12)

    “Chelsea,” Spencer smiled at the receptionist as she stepped off the elevator.


    “You’re back!” Chelsea exclaimed, running from behind her desk and crashing into Spencer with a bone-crushing hug. 


    “Whoa, I think you’re breaking me,” Spencer laughed.

    “Sorry,” Chelsea said, releasing her. “It’s just I’ve missed you.  Aiden’s missed you.  Everyone in this building has missed you.  Honestly, Spence, you can’t just take a week off like that. I don’t care how sick you are.  Ashley is unbearable enough when you’re here. When you’re not, she’s on a warpath.”

    “That won’t be a problem,” Spencer said. “I don’t think I can afford any more time off.”

    “Good, because all hell broke out last week.  Two people quit.”

    “What?” Spencer exclaimed.

     “Michael from accounting left.  He made the mistake of bumping into Ashley in the hallway.  She had a few choice words for him and after that he just walked out.  Never came back.  Then, Cynthia from Human Resources left.  She hired the temp to do your job while you were gone.”


    “The pyromaniac?”


    “Yeah,” Chelsea said. “Wait…how did you find out about that?”


    “Um, Aiden told me,” Spencer lied.  If she told Chelsea about Ashley’s surprise visit to her home, the entire building would know about it by lunchtime.  Then, she’d spend the rest of the week trying to explain something, she barely understood herself. “Can you hold all the calls to Ashley’s office today?  We’re interviewing people to replace me and I want it to go smoothly, no interruptions.”


    “Ugh,” Chelsea sighed, sitting back down at her desk.  “Just when I get all excited that you’re back, you talk about leaving again.”


    “Sorry,” Spencer shrugged.  “But just because I’m leaving doesn’t mean you can’t visit me at home.  Or, are you more worried that I won’t be here to play referee with Ashley?” Spencer smiled, waiting for a reply, but Chelsea only gave her a questioning look.


    “What?” Spencer said. “What’s wrong?” 


     “Makeup,” Chelsea said in disbelief.  “You’re wearing makeup.”


    Spencer blanked.  Then, she remembered the foundation she’d piled on to hide the vestiges of her bruised cheek.  “Just wanted to try something different,” she said, turning away. “I have to go set up for those interviews.”

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