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    The Assistant – (Chapter: 13)

    Sammy had opened her eyes briefly last night but was so disoriented Spencer didn’t think her daughter even recognized her.  The little girl had been sleeping soundly since then.  The doctors were treating her with steroids that they said should reduce the inflammation. But Spencer knew it would only be a matter of time before Sammy was back here.  Her daughter was getting worse every month and there was nothing she could do about it.  She couldn’t cure her.  She worked so much she was barely even there to comfort her and still couldn’t afford her treatments. 

    Spencer didn’t know how she was going to pay for this latest hospital visit.  She was already owed more than $20,000.  Her mother was probably the only reason the hospital wasn’t harassing her about the unpaid bills.  As long as Dr.  Paula Carlin was on staff, the hospital was sure they’d get their money somehow.  Spencer was so desperate at this point, she planned to do something she’d promised herself she never would again: ask Carmen for the money. That’s if her ex-wife would ever pick up the phone.  Spencer had called her every waking hour since she’d arrived at the hospital yesterday, but Carmen hadn’t shown up or returned the call. 

    As Spencer washed her hands in the bathroom sink, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and froze.  Her eyes were red and puffy against the paleness of her skin.  She turned on the faucet, sticking her hand under the stream until she felt it was warm enough.  Hopefully, the heat from the water would bring back some color to her face.  She heard the creak of the door open as she splashed her face.  Squinting through the water dripping from her eyelashes, she saw Ashley standing in the doorway.   

    “You okay?” Ashley asked, letting the door swing shut.

    “Um, yeah.” Spencer looked around the restroom for a paper towel, but there was only an automatic hand dryer.  With no other practical solution in sight, she picked up the bottom of her T-shirt and dried her face. 

    “Your parents said they’re going home for an hour or two,” Ashley said.  “They wanted to know if you needed anything.”

    “Hmmm,” Spencer put her finger to her chin in mock thoughtfulness. “I could probably use some valium, right now.”

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