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    The Assistant – (Chapter: 13)

    “I’m sure we could raid a few storage rooms here and find that.”

    “Except with my luck they’d discover it missing and add it on to my bill,” Spencer laughed weakly. “As if anything else could fit.”

    Ashley shot her a questioning look.  “What do you mean?”

    Spencer dropped her head and shrugged.  She hadn’t meant to hint to anyone about her money troubles, especially not her boss.  Ashley would probably think she was using Sammy’s illness to guilt trip her into giving her a pay raise.  “Nothing.  I’m just tired.”

    “That’s because you barely slept last night,” Ashley said, taking Spencer’s arm and leading her out of the restroom.

    “I could say the same thing about you,” Spencer replied. Ashley had barely left her side since driving her to the hospital yesterday.  She’d gone home to grab a change of clothes and made the occasional food run, but other than that, she’d been at the hospital just as long as Spencer had. 

    “You know, you don’t have to stay,” Spencer turned to face her boss.   “I know your schedule by heart and with the new album coming out, this is probably one of the busiest weeks of the year.  Plus, aren’t you supposed to be holding interviews today to find my replacement?”

    “That stuff can wait.” Ashley waved off the remark.

    For a moment, it crossed Spencer’s mind that Ashley may be using her daughter’s sickness to further delay the hiring process for a new assistant.  But the thought was so disturbing to her, she quickly brushed it aside.

     “Do you want me to go?” Ashley suddenly asked, catching Spencer’s arm as they walked into the waiting room.

    “No, of course not,” Spencer responded quickly.  Too quickly, she realized. She could already see doubt in Ashley’s expression. “I have to check on Sammy,” she said, turning abruptly.

    Halfway down the hall, she peered over her shoulder to make sure Ashley hadn’t followed her.  There was no sign of her.  Spencer couldn’t bear to be around her boss anymore.  Ashley was trying to be helpful and Spencer was grateful, but she couldn’t stomach seeing that look of pity in Ashley’s eyes anymore. She didn’t want to be anyone’s charity case.  It was why she always tried to keep her work life separate from her private life.  But that line had been crossed when Ashley had seen her bruises at the hotel.  And, again, when Spencer had taken Sammy over to Ashley’s apartment.  Spencer knew her life was no fairytale, but she didn’t want people feeling sorry for her either.  Ashley had shown her a degree of care and attention in the last 24 hours that Spencer had never seen in her boss before.  It only made her realize how depressing her situation must seem to Ashley, for her boss to suddenly become so considerate.

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