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    The Assistant – (Chapter: 15)

    Spencer pulled up to Venom Entertainment the next morning, on time and on edge.  She hadn’t spoken to Ashley since their confrontation at the hospital. She’d called her boss’ cell phone at least five times to let her know when she’d be back at work, but all she got was voicemail.  It was the first time Spencer could ever remember Ashley not answering her phone when she called.  Spencer had also tried to call the office.  But Chelsea would always say Ashley was not in or in a meeting.  Maybe Ashley’s schedule had suddenly gotten super busy in the last week, but Spencer wasn’t buying it.  She just hoped this didn’t mean she was out of a job.

    Spencer stepped off the elevator, wishing she’d followed through with her plan to come in earlier than usual.  If she was going to be fired, she’d prefer to have it happen with as few people as possible around.  Too late now.  Most of the usual morning crew was already scurrying around , espressos in hand.   Spencer walked up to the receptionist’s desk where Chelsea had her ear to the phone, frantically writing notes and mumbling her agreement to whoever was on the other line.  As she waited, Spencer took another, more observant look around the office .  That’s when she noticed how odd it seemed.  Everyone was more hurried than usual, keeping their heads down, barely even speaking. Just then, Chelsea slammed down the phone.

    “Ugh,” she moaned, dropping her head on the desk. “Please wake me up from this nightmare.”

    “Is everything all right?” Spencer asked.

    Chelsea’s head jerked up.  She fell back in her chair as her hand flew to her chest.

    “My God, Spencer.  Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

    “Sorry, I thought you knew I was here.”

    “Well, I didn’t. Maybe you could try to make a little more noise next time."

    “Let’s try this again,” Spencer said, backing away from Chelsea’s desk before walking up again. “Hi, Chelsea.”

    “I’m sorry,” Chelsea sighed.  She pushed the button to forward all calls to voicemail, before reaching over her desk and pulling Spencer into a hug.  “How’s Sammy doing?”

    “She’s a lot better now.  She asked about you.  You haven’t been over in months.”

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    1. Cool you’re back, THANKS for the update!! I miss this story, hopefully you can update more often. I feel sorry for Askley having to deal with her mothers back stabbing and Spencer totally hurting her feelings at the hospital. Please let there be more Spashley time and eventually work things out. Spencer is so blind, does she not have a clue on how Ashley feels for her. Carmen, def. needs to get a butt kicking,ugh. Anyways thanks for the update again. :) PPMS

    2. I actually have not read this story….YET but I an a huge fan of hoops so I really hope you update that very soon… And I promise (boy scouts honor) that I’ll read this one if you update hoops : J

    3. Wow..such an amazing story. Just read the entire thing and now I am upset because there aren’t any more chapters :( Hope you update soon. Great job :)

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