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    The Backpage (Ashley, Spencer, and Jessica)

    Jessica turned Spencer around. With her mouth inches away from the red head, Spencer closed her eyes as she felt Ashley unbuttoning her shirt from behind. So much was going on that her body and mind could not keep track. Jessica closed the space between them and kissed Spencer. The kiss was strong, lust-filled. Ashley removed Spencer’s shirt and watched the blonde and red head kiss with heated desire.

    Spencer let out a deep moan when she felt Ashley stroke her wet center from behind. She broke the kiss with the red head, “Oohhhh…..Ashley….yes ….more…”

    It seemed as if both Ashley and Jessica were intent on pleasing Spencer.

    Jessica leaned over the blonde’s shoulder to kiss Ashley. Ashley was surprised at the taste of strawberry on Jessica’s tongue. It was so good. Spencer leaned to kiss Jessica’s neck as their kiss heated with Ashley’s hand still on the blonde’s center.

    (And it continues…)

    “Don’t stop….Ashley”. Ashley and Jessica continued to kiss both pushing their heated bodies against Spencer. Ashley moved her other hand to grab Jessica’s ass as their kiss deepened. Jessica’s moan into Ashley’s mouth was lustful and wanting. Spencer couldn’t believe how close to orgasm she was and that they were all still standing and mostly dressed.

    Spencer moaned when she felt a hot, twisting tongue kissing and sucking the small of her back. Ashley and Jessica’s kiss had broken to find the brunette on her knees behind her, still fervently working the blonde’s center. Jessica wrapped her arms around the blonde’s neck to pull her into another aggressive kiss. With her hips against Spencer she could feel Ashley’s hand with each stroke under the blonde slightly sending her own wetness to the next level. Spencer’s moans were renewed as she felt Ashley remove her underwear. Mmm….mmm…baby… Her body was ready for this. Her body needed this. Suddenly her body jerked when she felt the brunette enter her from behind.

    “”Ooohh…fuck…yeah…Ashley”, Spencer screamed letting go the red head’s needing lips. Jessica reached behind Spencer while kissing her neck and removed her bra. She stepped back for second to take in all of her beauty. Her blonde locks sparingly covered one of her breasts while the other was fully exposed. Her breasts were slightly in motion from the incessant thrusts from Ashley below. Spencer felt herself nearly faint when the red head’s mouth closed around her uncovered nipple. “Ohh …. Fuck … me… mmmm…fuck…me…“.

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    1. LMAO! You’re scared that you sucked? Are you kidding? You should be scared that you might just be the next NC-17 FanFic Writing GOD! It was really fucking amazing. I’ve never read any FanFic’s about threesomes. This was my 1st one too, kinda. LOL. It was great. Give us anotherone please. It was really hot, and when you get that milkshake let me have a sip, ok? Cos I need to cool down too. LOVE IT! pms please . . .

    2. LMAO! You’re scared that you sucked? Are you kidding? You should be scared that you might just be the next NC-17 FanFic Writing GOD! It was really fucking amazing. I’ve never read any FanFic’s about threesomes. This was my 1st one too, kinda. LOL. It was great. Give us anotherone please. It was really hot, and when you get that milkshake let me have a sip, ok? Cos I need to cool down too. LOVE IT! pms please . . .

    3. not the first three-way, but definitely very hot. you need to put a warning on for ppl with heart conditions and such…damn. I also liked how you threw in that their moms would’ve died this time…funny. nicely done.

    4. not the first three-way, but definitely very hot. you need to put a warning on for ppl with heart conditions and such…damn. I also liked how you threw in that their moms would’ve died this time…funny. nicely done.

    5. I…..I think I need to go back to bed and not get up the rest of the day…….yeah that’s what I’ll do..that was an amazing story, deffinitely have to hand it to you, doesn’t seem like that was your first NC-17 lol keep it up.

    6. I…..I think I need to go back to bed and not get up the rest of the day…….yeah that’s what I’ll do..that was an amazing story, deffinitely have to hand it to you, doesn’t seem like that was your first NC-17 lol keep it up.

    7. *clears throat* shower…cold..need…woah…I’ve um, never really considered the idea of a threesome but..after reading this…woah…so uh whatcha doing later? *wink wink* LOL yeah showers calling..maybe I should just jump into the snow outside *ponders thought*

    8. *clears throat* shower…cold..need…woah…I’ve um, never really considered the idea of a threesome but..after reading this…woah…so uh whatcha doing later? *wink wink* LOL yeah showers calling..maybe I should just jump into the snow outside *ponders thought*

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