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    The Backpage (Ashley, Spencer, and Jessica)

    Without warning, Jessica flipped Ashley over on her back and began eagerly thrusting into her center holding herself up to give Spencer space. “Mmm…yeah…fuck…”, the brunette moaned. Spencer stood up on the bed and stepped over Ashley’s face. Ashley looked up at her lover in anticipation. Her eye caught a sight she loved, “Mmmm…Spencer… you… are … still…so fucking wet.” She could hardly talk with the attention being paid to her own wet center. Jessica’s thrusting was growing harder as she felt herself coming close. With the harder thrusts, Ashley’s eyes shifted to Jessica unable to ignore the pulsating sensation any longer. Spencer lowered her center over Ashley’s face. Ashley removed her hands from Jessica’s hips to grab Spencer’s ass and bring her wet center to her mouth. The sight was too much for anyone to see. The moms would have likely died this time. It was a delectable neapolitan ice cream mix. That is, strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate or should it be said red head, blonde, and brunette . The room was filled with gasps, screams, moans, heavy breaths, sounds of sex.

    The girls were all so close and then it happened. A rarity of action. An unsolved mystery. The true meaning of the trickle down theory. The sounds of coming rolled throughout.. Fuck …. Yeah …. Ooooh …. Ashley ….. Mmm …. Jessica …. Ohhh … Ashley ….. Mmm …baby ….There were enough waves coursing through all of their bodies as they came together to start their own tsunami.

    The night repeated itself with each girl over and over. Grinding. Kissing. Thrusting. Sucking. Fucking. Again. Grinding. Kissing. Thrusting. Sucking. Fucking. Coming Harder. Grinding. Kissing. Thrusting. Sucking. Fucking. Coming. Grinding. Kissing. Thrusting. Sucking. Fucking. Coming Again.

    The next morning all three awakened, naked, exhausted, entangled, satisfied. Ashley opened her eyes to find Spencer staring at her. . “Baby, we…we… really…mmm…”, Spencer whispered not wanting to wake Jessica..

    “I know….turned it out…didn’t we?”

    “Yeah….that was incredible”

    “Yeah it was, I’m glad I got to share it with you….my love”

    “Me, too…I love you so much” .

    Jessica who wasn’t asleep laid next to them in silence smiling at her two new best friends.


    (okay I had to stop…I had to keep pulling back b/c my mind was beginning to make it so much more than NC-17 rated …whew…that was tough…I need a cold shower or at least a milkshake….that was my 1st NC-17 so I hope that it flowed okay…I’ll have to practice that a little more…lol)


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    1. LMAO! You’re scared that you sucked? Are you kidding? You should be scared that you might just be the next NC-17 FanFic Writing GOD! It was really fucking amazing. I’ve never read any FanFic’s about threesomes. This was my 1st one too, kinda. LOL. It was great. Give us anotherone please. It was really hot, and when you get that milkshake let me have a sip, ok? Cos I need to cool down too. LOVE IT! pms please . . .

    2. LMAO! You’re scared that you sucked? Are you kidding? You should be scared that you might just be the next NC-17 FanFic Writing GOD! It was really fucking amazing. I’ve never read any FanFic’s about threesomes. This was my 1st one too, kinda. LOL. It was great. Give us anotherone please. It was really hot, and when you get that milkshake let me have a sip, ok? Cos I need to cool down too. LOVE IT! pms please . . .

    3. not the first three-way, but definitely very hot. you need to put a warning on for ppl with heart conditions and such…damn. I also liked how you threw in that their moms would’ve died this time…funny. nicely done.

    4. not the first three-way, but definitely very hot. you need to put a warning on for ppl with heart conditions and such…damn. I also liked how you threw in that their moms would’ve died this time…funny. nicely done.

    5. I…..I think I need to go back to bed and not get up the rest of the day…….yeah that’s what I’ll do..that was an amazing story, deffinitely have to hand it to you, doesn’t seem like that was your first NC-17 lol keep it up.

    6. I…..I think I need to go back to bed and not get up the rest of the day…….yeah that’s what I’ll do..that was an amazing story, deffinitely have to hand it to you, doesn’t seem like that was your first NC-17 lol keep it up.

    7. *clears throat* shower…cold..need…woah…I’ve um, never really considered the idea of a threesome but..after reading this…woah…so uh whatcha doing later? *wink wink* LOL yeah showers calling..maybe I should just jump into the snow outside *ponders thought*

    8. *clears throat* shower…cold..need…woah…I’ve um, never really considered the idea of a threesome but..after reading this…woah…so uh whatcha doing later? *wink wink* LOL yeah showers calling..maybe I should just jump into the snow outside *ponders thought*

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