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    The best year ever – (Chapter: Prom Night)

    Finally…Saturday night arrives…


    “I got it!!!”

    Spencer ran down the stairs to answer the stairs to answer the door expecting to see Ashley standing there ready to head out for their ‘special non-prom.’  So you can imagine her surprise when she opened the door to find Aiden standing there dressed in a tuxedo holding a single white rose and a rather large box.  Spencer had bewilderment written all over her face.

    “Uh hi Aiden…what are you doing here?”

    Aiden didn’t respond, instead he smiled warmly at her and handed her the rose and a card.  Spencer raised her eyebrow at him as she tore open the card and immediately recognized Ashley’s handwriting. 

    To a night you will never forget

    “I don’t get it…”

    Again Aiden didn’t respond instead he handed her the box.  Totally beyond confused now Spencer opened the box slowly to find another card and a carefully folded silky baby blue dress.  Spencer opened the second card.

    Your chariot awaits my lady…

    Spencer flipped the card over.

    P.S. Don’t even try it, Aiden won’t give anything away…

    Spencer laughed at how well Ashley knew her.  Aiden smiled and finally gave her brief instructions.

    “Go ahead and change…I’ll hang down here…”

    Spencer still a little dazed from the confusing events she headed upstairs to get ready.  Half an hour later she reappeared dressed with her hair and makeup done.  Aiden took a moment to take in Spencer’s beauty.


    “Hey Spence where are you…wow Spencer…you look beautiful…wait I thought you weren’t going to prom?”

    Arthur Carlin had rounded the corner and stopped dead in his tracks as he took in the sight of Spencer looking like a beautiful young lady and Aiden standing next to her looking handsome in a tuxedo.  He scratched his head in confusion.

    “We’re not going to prom dad…I’m going out with Ash tonight…I think…”

    Spencer glanced at Aiden who nodded in agreement.  Mr. C smiled and winked at Spencer. 

    “Okay have fun then…you look wonderful honey.”

    “Thanks dad…don’t wait up I guess…”

    Aiden offered Spencer his arm as he guided her out of the house and down the driveway where there was a black stretch limo waiting for them.  Aiden held the door for Spencer as she got in and found another card next to a bucket of champagne on ice. 

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