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    The Dark Side – (Chapter: Potential Threats)



    Instead of sitting in her large dining room Spencer had a small table for two set up in a smaller room that overlooked the massive yard behind the mansion.  It had large bay windows with no curtains or shades to obscure the excellent view of the sun setting.  It was picturesque and breathtaking.  I may be a night creature but I still appreciate watching the sun as it sets. I smiled at Spencer showing her my appreciation for her efforts with tonight’s dinner.

    Grabbing Spencer’s chair, I pull it out for her to sit down, then I pull out my own chair to sit down across from her.  I would have totally loved the dinner Spencer had prepared for us if I was still into eating food.  I can drink but I don’t eat.  She had Martha prepare two, two inch T-bone steaks that were extremely rare, potatoes au gratin, and spring vegetables in a creamy butter sauce. It looked delicious.   But not as delicious as Spencer’s smell. Glancing back down at my plate, I wondered why Spencer had the steaks prepared so rare, so I concentrated on her thoughts to get the answer but her mind was preoccupied with one thought only.  Me… and the color change of my eyes.  Instead of chocolate brown they were now a very light golden brown.

    My curiosity about our food specifically the meat was as strong as her curiosity was about my eyes.  I finally had to ask her, “Spencer did you cook these steaks yourself or did Martha cook them?”

    “I had Martha prepare them but I had to tell her how I wanted them cooked.  She questioned why I wanted them cook that way because I’ve never eaten my steak like that before.  I kinda chided her about questioning my requests to do what I ask.”

    “I don’t mean to question you either Spencer but I’m a little curious as to why the steaks were barely cooked?” They were one step from being completely raw.

    Spencer looked down at the bloody piece of meat, and then looked at me, her face taking on a fretful expression. “You don’t like it Ashley?”

    Yes, it’s perfect Spencer, I was just curious as to why they’re prepared this way.  Most people eat steak medium to well done or just a little pink inside.  This piece of meat is still bleeding… profusely,” I said laughing.

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    1. fantastic! so the meeting with aiden should be very interesting and it’ll be interesting to see if his great great grand dad will be around for him to see or if ash will have gotten rid of him. excellent update! pms!

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