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    The Dark Side – (Chapter: Remember Me)



    After leaving Spencer’s place, I immediately go home and head straight to my bedroom expecting Kyla to be there upon my arrival.

     “KYLA! Where the hell are you?” 

    “I’m right here mistress,” she said running.

    “Why weren’t you here waiting for me?” I asked her angrily.

    “I’m sorry mistress I was busy with one of your minions.  He says he has information on whose been killing the humans and leaving their bodies behind.”

    “Which minion is that Kyla?”


    “Bring him to me.  I’ll be in the study.”

    “Yes mistress.”

    Walking to my study I try to remember who Patrick is.  Being two hundred years old and having countless humans as my victims, it gets a little difficult to remember who’s who.  So as the centuries passed and technology advanced I got myself a Palm Pilot to organize the humans I kept to serve me, listing them by their name and the date I turned them. 

    I pull out my Palm searching my records to find this Patrick person and there he is.  Patrick O’Brien.  I find it interesting that I only have one Patrick listed.  The information I placed in my Palm tells me he was twenty years old when I created him.  Born in 1890, he was a legionnaire in the French Foreign Legion and I was a can-can dancer at that time living in Paris.  Those were the days and the tips were more than generous.

    “Mistress,” Kyla called pulling me out of my reminiscing. 


    “Patrick is here.”

    “Thank you Kyla.  I want you to remain here while I question him.”

    “Yes mistress.”


    “Yes mistress, he replied, with downcast eyes.”

    “Tell me what you know.”

    “I talked to this drifter…”

    “Look at me Patrick,” I commanded.  His eyes will tell me if he’s lying.

    “Yes mistress,” his eyes now looking into mine.  “I… I talked to this drifter who told me he saw the last person the police found in the woods dead get attacked.”

    “What do you mean he saw?”

    “He said he was hiding behind some bushes peeing when he heard a scuffle.  So he went to see what was going on.  He said he saw a tall woman sink large long sharp teeth into the dead man’s neck and then shake him apart like a rag doll.  He said it seem like she was sucking something out of him.  Once he stopped moving she ran off with blood covering her whole mouth.  He said she just left him there to finish dying.” 

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    1. hmm so does madison really plan to leave ash alone or is she going to get all in the middle of ash trying to turn spence? and I’m dying to know how ash is going to get rid of martha without it being too obvious. excellent update once again, pms!

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