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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 1)

    A female figure walked along the shaded sidewalk on her way to work. It was a beautifully moonlight Friday night, and as such it was going to be a busy night.

    Yeah Friday again. I truly hate working on Fridays, why can’t I ever get a Friday or Saturday off? Is one day really too much to ask for?’ The woman thought to herself.

    She heard two female voices behind her chatting and giggling as they strolled down the sidewalk. One of the girls had been talking on the phone and after a minute long talk she hung up.

    “So where are we meeting them? Don’t tell me they choose that sleazy place over by the Cinema palace again.” She spoke with clear dislike in her voice.

    “No, believe it or not. They actually want to go to a night-club close to here; we needn’t even take the bus.” The other girl replied cheerily.

    “What? There is a nightclub near here? What kind of place could that be?” It wasn’t really a neighborhood where one pictured a good nightclub to be.

    “You mean you haven’t heard about it? It’s been given allot of good reviews lately.”

    “I really can’t say I know about it. What’s it called? ” The girl asked curiously. The woman listened in on the conversation with mild interest. She walked steadily a couple of meters in front of the two women.

    “Yeah it has kind of a strange name, guess people remember it better that way, the name’s ‘The Demon’s den’. Weird huh? But I guess it work’s, seeing as the place is popular enough to have hour long lines in front of it most of every night. It was an article on it in this month ‘Club Beat’ It got a five star average and got on the top five list.”

    “So what’s so great about this place? Ever been there?” The girl seemed skeptical of the choice of their friends.

    “Yeah actually I have. All of us on the firm went there a week ago. We went on a Thursday so the line was not so bad. But apparently we have VIP passes for tonight so we needn’t worry about the line.” The woman in front shook her head.

    If they only knew why people are given VIP passes in the first place.’ She thought grimly to herself.

    “Well then it sounds like this night should become very interesting, maybe we can even meet some decent guys…or girls eh?” The girls both giggled at this.

    “Yeah, if we aren’t to busy drooling over the guys and girls who work there.” At the questioning look her friend gave her she continued.

    “Well the people working there are truly awesome they are so hot all of them. You’d almost think they all got the jobs with their bodies used as merits and application.” The girl went on babbling about the hot guys and girls in the club.

    The woman had stopped caring what was said. She glanced towards the sky to see the big full moon. She frowned at that, a full moon meant additional guests would pop up at work aside from the regular clientele. So actually the next three days would be packed whether she liked it or not.

    She sighed and walked on soon she could see the big neon sign over the front doors of her work place with big red glowing letters it read, ‘The Demon’s Den’.

    Well time to get to work.’ She thought and in she went.


    1. How ’bout this as comment?: WTF??!!lolIntriguing…I like it!Work? VIP pass? Names?So many questions….and I need answers so keep on postin’ ;)..PMS!

    2. How ’bout this as comment?: WTF??!!lolIntriguing…I like it!Work? VIP pass? Names?So many questions….and I need answers so keep on postin’ ;)..PMS!

    3. YEAH what babaluna said!!!! I like it too, but I would like her questions to be answered in the next chapter. PMS and this comment isn’t a bad one, okay. Just to let you know. Keep up the good work!!!!

    4. YEAH what babaluna said!!!! I like it too, but I would like her questions to be answered in the next chapter. PMS and this comment isn’t a bad one, okay. Just to let you know. Keep up the good work!!!!

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