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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 2)

    "Umph. Hey watch where you are going you oaf. Jeez, could you at least try to pay some attention. Hmpf." Madison barked annoyed at Spencer and proceeded to push past her. Spencer just ignored her and walked on. Glen looked at Madison with an irritated look before following Spencer to the bar but not before hearing Madison mutter irritably to herself.

    "Man I really don’t get how that boring and oh so annoying girl can be the masters favourite. She’s never downstairs playing and she doesn’t ever," The rest of her tirade was lost to Glen as the door slid closed.

    "Hey why do you keep letting her be so rude to you? I mean she’ll never stop if you don’t say so."

    "Leave her be Glen. She’s just insecure of herself. She’s well aware that she isn’t one of Roses top people and being the most resent of us, she needs to get a confidence boost from somewhere." Glen frowned at that.

    "Okay and does that really have to be on your expense? ‘sigh’ Well let’s get to work." He continued when he received no answer.

    They placed all clean glasses on the shelves and checked the ice-machine so it worked properly they got backup bottles of the major selling brands so they needn’t run away so much to get new ones during the night.

    The bar they worked in was one of two. They where placed at opposite walls of the big club. One bar was Wine-red with black shelves and the other was black with wine-red shelves. The whole club went in the same colours. Soon the club was filled with people and requests for drinks came from all over.

    As Predicted the club was busy all night and allot of the regulars brought the VIP’s to the VIP rooms. Spencer felt kinda sorry for the VIP’s for she knew they would not see the sun rise again and probably not the moon either. The VIP door led to a stairwell for the upper floors of the building. But there was a secret passage at the back of the stairwell that opened up to a stairway leading down into a large two-floor cellar. And what went on down there was something Spencer never wanted to think of.


    1. MAN!!! I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Also, I like that Ashley and Aiden are investigators. I also like that Spencer works at the bar with Glen and Madison. I am glad that I read that Glen is NOT Spencer’s brother in this fic because THAT IS GROSS, the idea that Glen is like hitting on his sister, LOL!!!!! I am such a nerd, anyways, PMS and keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!

    2. MAN!!! I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Also, I like that Ashley and Aiden are investigators. I also like that Spencer works at the bar with Glen and Madison. I am glad that I read that Glen is NOT Spencer’s brother in this fic because THAT IS GROSS, the idea that Glen is like hitting on his sister, LOL!!!!! I am such a nerd, anyways, PMS and keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!

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