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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 2)

    The full moon brought in the people Spencer and Glen called the full moon pack. They were regulars who only showed up during the three nights of the full moon cycle. The nights when they weren’t quite themselves so to speak.

    The regulars at this club had the right to buy VIP passes in the bars and then they would give it to people they saw fit for it. They always signed the passes so the bouncers knew who had invited them. The reasons may vary from person to person as to why they give a pass to someone, but they all had the same goal in mind. A night of playing and bloodshed.

    Some chose to give passes to very attractive people, others to the feisty kind of people, some went for the innocent look. They where always notified by the bouncers as to when someone came in with a pass with their particular signature on. They would then find them and in most cases seduce them and lure them down to the cellar floors. Never to return, at least not in the same shape they went down there.

    At about 6:00am the place was about empty and Spencer was drying the dishes since the last order had been called ten minutes ago. While she was doing that and Glen was picking up at the tables. Spencer was tired and just wanted to go home and sleep all day just to wake up and come here for another packed night.

    A woman clearing her throat lightly in front of her startled her. The blonde raised her head and her eyes locked with a set of chocolate brown eyes staring intently at her.

    "Hi sorry for disturbing you in your work at this early hour. I’m Ashley Davies from the 27th precinct. I’m investigating a murder-case. Would you mind if I asked you a couple of questions?"


    Ashley Davies was out in the early morning investigating a crime-scene with her partner Aiden. They where in an alley where the mutilated body of a young male had been found. It was a disgusting site to see. The face of the man seemed to be the only thing intact on his entire body. His clothes where mostly gone, a ripped button up shirt was all there was. His entire abdomen was shredded and there where what seemed like bite-marks all over. Where the wounds were at the worst you could actually see some of the intestines.


    1. MAN!!! I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Also, I like that Ashley and Aiden are investigators. I also like that Spencer works at the bar with Glen and Madison. I am glad that I read that Glen is NOT Spencer’s brother in this fic because THAT IS GROSS, the idea that Glen is like hitting on his sister, LOL!!!!! I am such a nerd, anyways, PMS and keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!

    2. MAN!!! I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Also, I like that Ashley and Aiden are investigators. I also like that Spencer works at the bar with Glen and Madison. I am glad that I read that Glen is NOT Spencer’s brother in this fic because THAT IS GROSS, the idea that Glen is like hitting on his sister, LOL!!!!! I am such a nerd, anyways, PMS and keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!

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